Cheesecat Log: 9/2/18. Really? Can I just die now?

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So uh DanieTheGlitch tagged me. And normally I would update immediately, but there's this thing called senior year in a thing called high school which are both things I despise.

Uhh... Let's see... The rules...

1: Use or come up with a creative title

2: 10 to 15 facts about yourself (that I'm going to ignore)

3: Tag 5 people

And then the tag...

1: Age - 18

2: Otp - Pubble

3: Favorite game - Minecraft

4: Last Song - Looks at Soundcloud, YouTube Music, and Spotify... Uhh...
Paper Crowns - Nurko remix

5: Fan of musicals - No

6: Favorite member of the pack - Jerome

7: Height - 5' something?

8: A part of a fandom - I dunno?

9: Fan of anime - NO

10: You came here cause you thought I was a victim - Not really

Then tag 10 people... Uhh... I won't tag anyone but if someone reads this they're tagged and unless you've done anything similar then no backing out. There...

Now I'm done. If anyone has any questions I'll be sitting here in this dark living room corner with only my precalculus homework and this phone...

Also sorry if you liked the old cover but I got bored and changed it.

Did you really think I was going to do my homework? I'd rather die than lose brain cells.

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