Cheesecat Log: 3/21/20

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Omjesus... once again... starting to take my... love crimes... I was guilty. Oh, no, no, no, you really got me this time... me not you... couldn't save me. Perfect love crime... guilty aren't I of all my love're also guilty.

... I like listening to old songs. Specifically JubyPhonic covers. Very nice honestly. I've had this looping around a few other songs for a week or two. I dunno. I lost track. Time just seems to fly this year doesn't it?

I'm constantly in a state of boredom. I've literally lost any motivation for anything whatsoever. My only reasoning to get out of bed is to play games. Which is now difficult because there's a lot more people existing in the house than on a normal day.

My family is so... aggravating.

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