Cheesecat Log: 12/1/19

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My Thanksgiving wasn't so bad... if you don't count me literally cleaning 80 percent of the living room so that other family could come over.

Then again I didn't socialize much. I watched No Game No Life in my bedroom and then later that night I watched No Game No Life 0. Overall? Pretty damn good.

My siblings overtook the Xbox and watched memes while the adults stayed upstairs. So yeah... not a bad thanksgiving.

I keep occasionally drawing... unfortunately. So far I have this, weird lookin glaceon girl. But I suck at drawing bodies so reeeeee. I would try harder but every time I try it looks like a potato.

And now Christmas. Because nothing can get worse. Right? My luck isn't that horrible? Parents still want me to go to college and do my driving test and the written test and meanwhile I don't want anything to do with the rest of reality. I mean sure it's lonely sometimes with my own thoughts but what else am I supposed to do?

Spend 80 percent of my life staring at my discord friends list?


Become more depressed from lack of communication and real life friends because I cause myself mental and emotion harm and refuse to change my sick ways of thinking?

Eh. Sure. Why not. Don't have a lot left to lose except my life.

And it's 4 am. And what am I doing? Absolutely nothing. Because why the hell would I even do anything useful.

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