Cheesecat Log: 1/12/19

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Today started off horribly.

I woke up to the pain of a bug bite on my right calf.

I couldn't bend my leg. Or walk on it. Or do anything with my right leg.

But my parents woke me up at 8 am so I could go to an open house for a tech school.

And it was fun and all but my leg... well. My pants were causing my leg to become even more irritated and swollen as it chafed against the 2 inch wide bite.

After I changed into some shorts. It was apparent that my leg was so swollen and in pain that my mom eventually took me to the hospital. About three hours after I had gotten done looking at the tech school.

Turns out, I had been bitten by some bug that caused a reaction from my body that caused it to swell instead of going away.

Long story short. I got a 1 inch pocket of pus poked open with a needle. It took me about two minutes to stop trying to avoid the needle.

I hate needles.

They had numbed it but now well... it hurts like hell again. I can't move it and it's still severely swollen.

The funny thing is, I can't swallow pills. And they gave me pills to A: stop the inflammation, and B: to stop it from happening a third time.

Anyways. I'm now going to go tumble down the stairs to my room in agony and hope I can sleep with a giant cut on my right calf.

Also fun fact. There's a blood vessel right under where the pus was and the doctor poked that too. So ow.

Anyways, I suppose this is yer wild cheeselord signing off for the day.

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