Cheesecat Log: January First, 2020, 3:40 Am, PST

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Christmas wasn't bad. If I can ignore the fact that I didn't get to open gifts till 8 pm. If I can ignore the fact that I only ate once on Christmas and that was at 6 pm.

Ever since Christmas I thought I would've felt happier. Instead all I feel is that sudden rush of toxic and intimidating thoughts I thought more about in high school.

Felt more toxic, more volatile, more unhinged and less willing. I dunno. Either I'm recessing back to an earlier time in my life in an older body or something. All I know is that everything just feels like it sucks more lately.

To top it off, my Xbox game pass ultimate ran out. And I don't have the means or the ability to do anything about it. If my discord friends (I guess) read this then that'll explain why I've been a little more active on Discord.

I'd go to bed of my stomach didn't hurt so much. My own name had forsaken me. Fucking constipation... my left elbow hurts after I bashed it on wood. So does my right knee after hitting it on the couch pullout bed.

God I'm so lazy. I feel like it'd either be easier if I was a cat, or if I was dead.

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