Cheesecat Log: 10/22/18

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Mom: So... Did you turn in your last essay?

Me: Yeah... I did.

Mom: Why do you have an F in English then and why is you latest essay score a zero?

Me: *Thinks about essay that teacher told him was a rant because he can't come up with any opinions on anything school related or PG* I dunno

Mom: Huhhh... Also you have to vote. Here's your ballot that came in the mail. *gives it to me as I shied away from it* Oh and you should really bring up your Precalculus gra-

Me: I get it! Ok. Thanks! *walks downstairs*

Mom: *throws down another envelope on my head* Oh also, here's the paper to get your license again. Don't lose it.

Me: *murmuring under breath* Oh joy... Driving.

30 minutes later

Mom: Can you come back upstairs and tell me why you have a failing grade in another class now?

Me: *Texts mom no and stays downstairs*


And that's just a normal day in the boring life of me...

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