Cheesecat Log: 10/1/18

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So uh... Hey guys... Bloody nose occurs...

So uh, I'm going to be bloody nose happens as he sits down on toilet...

So I have a little bit of time to just to say that blood falls onto right foot from both nostrils...

I am officially going to be bile comes up throat as blood from nose stains bedsheets...

So I've been meaning to pauses to have 30 minute long bloody nose I've been meaning to coughs up a little blood UGH, I'm going to be archiving my only book on wattpad and go back to reading things. On top of that I've managed to make someone make me angry enough to delete discord from both the computer and my phone.

I'm not deleting any accounts but if it comes to it I will. I'm just not mentally stable anymore.

I don't expect sympathy and I don't expect anyone to come crying to me over a lost cause. Any friends I made over discord, well sorry.

I've been putting this crap off for a while now and I wanted people to suffer my loss and stop caring at first but if that's not enough then don't feel ashamed at yourselves. It's my fault after all...

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