I can't fix you (Zana fic)- Chapter 1

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It was after everything. After starlight, the trip that changed all our lives. It had changed me.

And I was tired of being Kawaii~Chan. Tired of acting. Tired of existing. And now I felt how Zane felt for the first time in my life. I understood what it felt like to drown in your self-pity and hate yourself.

I ruffled through my pink hair, exposing the reddish-orange strawberry roots that were growing back. Before fixing my hair back up to hide it.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My amber eyes staring back at my fake self. Zane looked at me like I was only Nana instead of Kawaii~Chan, but I haven't told him everything. Because I can't.

Growing up in a family with eleven siblings and two parents who didn't recognize you from the rest of your siblings does that to you.

Growing frustrated I punched my mirror, my tail swishing angrily. I was Nana Ashida, the middle child of 11 others. And just as I was then. I was alone and fake.


"Kawaii-Chan, I'm going out with Travis. Try not to burn down the house and I'll be back later, bye!" I heard the door slam shut as Katelyn left the house.

I was still in my room, trying to decide who I'd rather betefjuggvbbgfwdclpys...


Heh... what am I doing with my life anymore... oh wait. Part 69. Right.

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