Cheesecat Log: 9/14/19

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I always seem to find the moon every full moon. And it's pretty. Not too bright. Not too dull. But it's delicious. Because I could stare at it for hours and it'd feel like a few minutes. The stars are better though. Like freckles on a person they're scattered about. Not really having a full meaning but meaningful to people who think they're worth it.

Other nights. When I know it's a full moon. I can't find it. The clouds. Or the smog. Or the rain clouds. Or the fog. And I feel upset. But I never know why. Is it weird to say I like the moon? Probably. But it's nice. Just the sky in general.

I don't like space though. That terrifies me. But the sky feels peaceful. And nighttime is my friend. Not darkness, not light, but just a subtle in between. Any chance to see the moon in it's full glory is a blessing. Because I know it's there. But sometimes I just have to find it.

Sorry if this is weird. This is just a log though so I guess I can technically do whatever I want... eh... let me know your opinion. I just want an opinion...

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