4. Disobeying the Director

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‘What do you mean, Gibbs’ rules?’ I asked.

'Well, when Gibbs was in the Marines, he learnt a certain set of rules, that he has always lived by, some he has created, some he has picked up along the way,’ Ducky replied.

‘You mean the rules my mum taught me?’ I asked.

‘You know the ‘always better to seek forgiveness than to ask permission,’ Ducky told me.

‘Yes, they’re the ones my mum brought me up with… Does that mean my mother knew Gibbs?’

‘She may well have done, my dear, but we shouldn’t look into it. If Gibbs would want you to know he knows your mother, then he would tell you.’

‘I guess you’re right Ducky,’ I replied.

‘Come on now, you should go back upstairs. No doubt you’ll need to get your desk and things sorted before a case comes in,’ Ducky told me.

‘Okay, thanks for listening, bye,’ I said.

‘Goodbye, my dear, I hope we see you again soon,’ replied Ducky.


‘Ah, Elizabeth, you’re ba-,’ Ziva started.

‘ZABBY!’ Tony exclaimed, rushing up to me.

‘Uh, hi Tony,’ I replied, nearly deaf from how close he had been when he decided to make my new nickname known to the world.

‘DiNozzo!’ said Gibbs, slapping Tony around the back of the head.

‘Sorry Boss,’ replied Tony, in a much weaker voice to before.

I walked up to Gibbs desk and asked him where I should sit, as it appeared I didn’t exactly have a desk.

Gibbs held up a finger and walked off. I looked questioningly at the others and they all just shrugged.

‘He does that a lot, you might wanna get used to it,’ Tony told me.

‘What, like he does the headslaps, or is that just to you?’ I fired back, challengingly.

Tony seemed unable to digest the fact a girl had just insulted him, as the other two smirked, and Tim mouthed a ‘nice going’ to me.

By that point, Gibbs had made his way back, this time with a medium sized table, and a few men trailing him carrying computer monitors and towers. He placed it in between Tony and Tim’s desks.

‘This is now your desk, do what you want with it, McGee can help you set up the computer.’ Gibbs told me.

‘Oh no that’s okay, I can do it myself,’ I said.

Gibbs just shrugged as the other guys put the equipment on the table.

‘Elizabeth,’ he said, motioning for me to follow him towards the lift.

‘Err, okay,’ I replied, getting up from my desk after moving wires out of the way carefully so I didn’t trip up, as I’m prone to do.

As seen as we were going into the lift, I assumed we were going to Abby’s lab.

But as the lift started to move, Gibbs flicked the switch and the lift stopped. It slightly surprised me but I didn’t let it show. My training taught me better than that.

‘So, do you want to tell me why you’re here?’ he asked, not even looking me in the eye.

I never was one for politeness. I was even less polite now because, being out on the front line, and dealing with the kind of people I had to, you can’t afford to be nice.

But my mother was always trying to drill it into me.

Then, when she became ill, I tried to be nicer to people I didn’t like.

Which also means I can’t stand people who are rude to me.

'What do you mean, why I’m here?’ I asked, guessing he meant at NCIS.

‘Well, you’re too young to have any good kind of experience in the police in Britain, and women aren’t allowed to be Marines in the UK,’ he told me.

‘That’s where you’re wrong though,’ I retorted, turning to face him.

‘So you weren’t in the navy?’

'Yeah, I was. But I was an engineer,’ I started. ‘Wait, shouldn’t you have read my file or something?’

‘I should’ve done, but the Director doesn’t let me read or fill them in since..’

‘Since what?’ I asked him.

‘Nothing, keep going,’ he replied.

‘Fine. I was a navy engineer. They saw I had skill with artillery and vehicles, so they gave me special training, and for the last year and a half, I was the first female British marine.’ I told him.

He nodded, almost in approval.

‘So, you wanna show me what you’ve got?’ he asked, meaning shooting I guessed.

‘Hell yes,’ I replied, grinning.


 Gibbs handed me a Sig Sauer M11, as well as a pair of glasses and earmuffs.

‘So, you ever handled one of these?’ he said, starting to reload the gun.

‘Yeah, I have,’ I said. I used the navy shooting range regularly, so I was almost eager

to show Gibbs what I could do.

As I lined up at the firing range, I glanced over at Gibbs, and decided to have a bit of fun.

The countdown started to get in position to fire, so I turned my back to the targets.

'What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ Gibbs exclaimed.

‘Well, do you want me to fire with eyes closed or turned around?’ I asked innocently.

‘Hm, start turned around, and turn back to fire,’ he said.

‘Mission accepted,’ I replied with a smirk.

‘3..2..1..Agents fire.’ The countdown said in a monotone voice.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and swung around to face the hostage situation target.

In a millisecond, I fired with my eyes closed, and heard a collective gasp from behind me.

I opened them, to see a perfect shot in the head of the kidnapper on the target sheet.

When I turned back to smirk at Gibbs, I found Tim, Tony and Ziva standing with him.

And the Director.

Who’d specifically told me that on my arrival, I had to get her permission to use any of the facilities, such as the firing range.

Uh oh.

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