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"Gerard. Gerard, baby wake up," I whispered as I shook his shoulder gently.

"Nikki? What's wrong?" He groggily replied.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just going to the store. Please be careful, and if anything happens please call me," 

He nodded and I kissed his forehead, then grabbed the keys and got into the car.

.:.:.:.:.:.:GERARD'S POV:.:.:.:.:.:.

As soon as I heard her car leave, I hopped up, wincing a little bit before I eventually stood up, grabbing my crutches. My arm was only sprained, so I got it out of the cast before I left the hospital.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Frank, the phone ringing twice before he picked it up.

"Hey," He spoke into the phone.

"Operation Nikki's Birthday! Call the rest of the guys and Jamia and Alicia! You guys better be over here in ten minutes," I told him.

"Alright, man. See you in a bit,"

I hung up and Slowly made my way to the kitchen. I had been hiding a cake in the fridge for days, and I'm surprised Nikki hasn't seen it yet. It was chocolate, her favorite. I set that on the coffee table in the living room and put candles in it, deciding against lighting them this minute.

I walked over to the closet and rummaged through some clothes piled on the ground and after a few minutes I found what I was looking for.

The white guitar with the black circles Nikki fell in love with.

I smiled at what her reaction might be, and took it out of the closet. I grabbed the case, and put it inside, then put that inside a cardboard box. It wasn't the best wrapping, but it'll work.

I stuck the box at the foot of  the coffee table.

Suddenly I heard the door open, and Frank and the others paraded in.

They were all carrying gifts,  and they set them on top of the table next to the cake. I heard the car coming down the driveway and turned off the lights.

"Everybody hide!" I yelled.

Frank and I dove into the closet, Mikey and Ray hid behind a wall, Bob was hiding under a blanket on the couch and Jamia and Alicia hid under the table.

I heard the front door unlock, open, and shut, and that's when we jumped out of our hiding places.

"SURPRIIIIIIIISE!!!!" We all screamed together, Frank's hands thrown in the air and Bob standing on the couch.

Nikki's mouth spread into a huge grin. I thought her face would split in half because it was so big. She got tears in her eyes and set down her grocery bags, and we all formed a group hug.

"Happy birthday, sis," Mikey told her.

"Alright! Present time!" Frank yelled. We all gathered in the living room, Nikki sitting on the couch in the middle of Frank and I, and Jamia sat beside Frank. Everyone else sat on the floor, Alicia sitting on the couch. I even noticed Bob and Ray had girls beside them. I recognized them from school. The one with Ray was named Christa, and the one beside Bob was Kaitlyn. They were both very nice, and I was happy that they both found girlfriends.

.:.:.:.:.:.:NIKKI'S POV:.:.:.:.:.:.

I was on the verge of tears at the fact that my friends had surprised me for my birthday. I loved them all so much, especially Gerard. Mikey and Frank were like my brothers, and Ray and Bob were those weird uncles that were actually pretty cool once you got to know them. And of course Jamia and Alicia were my sisters. Bob and Ray recently got new girlfriends; Christa and Kaitlyn.

"Open mine first! It goes with Gerard's," Frank told me, handing me a tiny box. I opened it and saw a small purple guitar pick with a turtle on it. I got confused, because I didn't have a guitar. Unless...

"Here," Gerard said with a huge grin on his face, pushing towards me a large cardboard box. I opened it with my bear hands and my jaw dropped. It couldn't be.

I took out the guitar case and set it on the coffee table and opened it...

There in it's case, lay the guitar. The guitar I had seen at the music store in the mall. My mouth at this point was probably the size of Mexico.

"THANK YOU GERARD! Thank you sooo much baby!" I screamed, hugging him tight.

"Happy birthday baby. I love you. Oh, and this isn't the only thing you're getting for your birthday," He whispered in my ear, smirking. I giggled, and pulled back from his embrace.

I opened up the rest of my presents and we ate the cake, and I ended up having the best birthday ever. All because of my seven best friends. 

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