Part 32 "Wait, that sounded bad"

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Hey guys!! I just want to apologize for the long wait. Hurricane Florence really did quite a number on my little town. I want you all to know that my family and I stayed safe. I also want to thank you all for the prayers too!! This chapter will most likely have a lot of mistakes since I had to do pretty much all of it on my phone. Hurricane Florence took my internet away so I can't use my computer *eye roll*. Anyway, we're fixing the internet so expect more chapters soon!

"What do you mean they want to meet me? We've only been together for a little while." My brows scrunch in confusion.

"They've known about you, grandma told them we were together even before we were," Luke rubs his hand through my hair. Just by the feeling, I could fall asleep.

Feeling myself start to fall asleep, I roll my head up and look right up at Luke. He stops moving his hand that's on my head and he smirks down at my tired eyes.

"I love you," I whisper up to him and the smirk drops from his face.

"You love me?" He asks and I hear a little disbelief in his tone.

"Well you love me!" I giggle.

"But I didn't know you loved me," he whispers vulnerably, his now light grey eyes shining down at me. I sit up from my position and lean over to him.

I grab his face by his cheeks and make sure he's looking right at me.

"Well I love you okay?" I gather up my courage and I dip my head down and put my lips on his.

I pull away only after a few seconds, too nervous to do anything else.

"Say it again." Luke says.

"I love you," I giggle and he smiles and kisses the tip of my nose. I let out a yawn and unfortunately that yawn turns into a cough.

Luke looks at me pitifully and I sigh.

"Can we go to sleep?"

"Lay down sweetheart," he gets out of bed and begins taking his shirt off. He drops his shirt on the end of my bed and he puts his pants there as well.

I feel my face heat up slightly as he climbs back into bed. He pulls me to him by my waist. I look at his chest as I get closer and my cheeks heat up more.

He notices me looking at his chest and from the corner of my eye, I see a little smirk appear on his face.

He sits up and leans against my headboard. He pulls me up with him and once I'm sitting up, he lifts me onto his lap.

I gasp feeling something on my upper thigh, almost at my butt. Right in front of my face is the most well defined and one of the only 6 packs I've ever seen. I feel myself slipping off Luke and I put out my hand to place them on his chest.

At the last second, my hands stop themselves from touching his chest. Luke grabs my hands and places them on his chest. A blush lights up my face as he holds my hands to his chest.

"You don't have to be so shy about touching me," he smirks softly, moving my hands down to where I can feel the ripples of his abs, "it's all yours."

He pulls me forward and wraps his arms around me. I lay my head on his chest and the rest of our bodies tangle together. Even though I'm on top of him, he doesn't seem to be struggling under my weight.

"I wish my dad could meet you," I whisper and Luke kisses the top of my head.

"I wish mom could meet you," he responds back the same way. I send a quick prayer up and I'm soon falling asleep to the softness of Luke's hand rubbing up and down my back.

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