Sequel Chapter 2 "I'm selfish"

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*30 minutes prior*

A loud knock is heard on my door and my head fills with confusion.

I'm not expecting anyone.

I walk to the front door slowly, trying to figure out if I should bring some sort of weapon or not. I grab the door handle and I open it.

Owen stands on the other side and as soon as I see him, I let out an excited squeal.

Thank you, God.

I attack him with a hug and he lets out a chuckle. The five months he's been gone, I've worried about him every day. I was terrified something bad would happen to him.

"I've missed you!" I say, pulling away from the hug, "Come in!"

We sit on my couch and begin to talk.

"How was everything?" I question softly.

"It's so different now," he explains, "without your dad there. We got assigned a new captain too."

"How is the new captain?" I question and he sighs.

"The guys on our base are a close-knit group. Your dad had been our captain for years and we all knew him very well. This new guy, wouldn't do half the stuff your dad would do. It's just not the same, for anyone."

Owen and I talk for a while about the things that went on during his employment.

"Would you like something to drink, Owen?" I ask before getting up. I've had to pee for twenty minutes now.

"Oh, water would be fine. Thank you," he smiles at me and I nod returning the smile. I finish using the bathroom and as I'm getting his water, the doorbell rings again.

"I can get it, Ree," Owen calls out from the living room. As I fill up his cup, I hear him open the door.

"Who the fuck are you?" my eyes almost bulge out of my head. I sit down the cup and make my way to Owen and Luke.

"Who are you?" Owen asks in return and I finally stop beside the two.

"Ree-" Owen starts only to be cut off by Luke.

"Ree?" Luke questions looking between the two of us. My heart hurts at seeing him but I stay strong.

I feel stress invade my body and a headache coming along.

"C-Can you maybe come back later?" I question Owen softly. He turns his attention to me.

"Of course," he nods. I stand at the door with my head down, gazing at my feet. Owen goes behind me to the couch. He grabs his jacket and his keys before coming back over to us.

"I'll see you later," Owen gives me a hug and I only train my eyes on him, not being able to see the look on Luke's face as he watches in front of us.

Once Owen is gone out of sight, I still don't look up at Luke.

"I know you don't want to talk to me," he says emotionlessly, "but I need to talk to you."

My hearts stutters as he talks to me. There's no way I'll be able to get through a full conversation with him.

Not once while he's talking do I look up at him. I begin to close the door on him but he holds it open.

"Aubrey, don't be like this. You said for yourself that you didn't want to end it like this."

I just walk away from the door and away from him. Of course, he follows me. I walk into the kitchen and I begin putting the dishes away, trying everything I can to get my mind to stop thinking about him.

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