Part 41 "Losing"

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"Are you 100 percent sure he won't bite me?" Olivia winces as she sticks her head in my room.

"Yes, I'm sure," I nod and she makes her way in slowly. Izzy follows behind her.

They both plop down on my bed and Leo watches them carefully.

I grab Leo's thick leash from the handle of my closet door and I hook it to his collar. His tail wags excitedly because he knows he's going outside.

"How are you supposed to control that dog? He's bigger than you!" Izzy stresses and I laugh.

"Leo and I practiced yesterday and he listens to me pretty well," I explain, "Ya'll should come too."

They look at each other for a second before deciding they'll follow Leo and me. After all, we do have a few hours before nationals come on.

The guys won their first game against a team from Texas 52-38. Halftime, the score between them was much closer and It had Olivia a little worried for a bit.

I wasn't that worried. I have a good feeling about their chances this year.

Yesterday, which was Saturday, they won their game against some school from California, last years national champions. In the end, the score was 34-26, which was their closest game so far.

That one worried me just a little bit. Especially since they were losing in the first two quarters but thankfully, after halftime, they came back strong.

Luke was very excited though. Last year, they didn't make it this far and he and Eli were both bouncing off the walls last night when they facetimed me. It was quite cute, actually.

"Let's go, Leo," I open my room door and I lead him downstairs. He stays right by my side, even after we're outside, something I'm very thankful for.

If he were to just run, I wouldn't stand a chance against him.

"So they're on the bus now?" Izzy asks.

"Yep! Luke texted me ten minutes before you guys got here. He said they were on the bus, on the way to Kansas. Apparently, the bus they are on smells really bad," I giggle.



"Alright guys," Coach Felmer stands, "We're here. I want you to exit the bus, go to the side, grab your bag, and make your way into the field house, which is to your right. A staff member is waiting at the door for you all."

I stand up along with everyone else and nearly get a concussion on the roof of the damn bus, which smells like ass because Coach J. decided to take a massive shit in the toilet, and not to tell anyone until we all started smelling it.

I've needed fresh air for two hours.

Eli walks in front of me as we all unload off the bus. I hear him before I feel him. The sound of a slipping foot, then the weight of him on my legs.

"What the shit," I mumble at him as his back and head rests against my legs.

"Oh, sorry guys. I spilled some of my water," Coach J. laughs.

"Oh hey! Thanks for telling us!" I say sarcastically, sending him a look. Eli finally gets back on his feet and I'm finally off the bus.

I have freedom for about one second before more weight is pushing against my back. I catch myself against the railing of the bus and look behind me.

Ethan is sprawled out on the floor behind me, his shoe still in the standing water on the last step of the bus.

What a way to start the night.

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