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Darkness is all what Ravus sees. Until, when he opens his eyes, he sees Eren sitting against the boulder and Armin behind him. He stands up, and goes from the building on a roof and stand beside Mikasa. Okay, how long was I out?

Mikasa: Ravus, you're alive?!

Ravus: What does it look for you?

Mikasa: But, how?

Ravus: None of you're concern. If you excuse me, we have a giant idiot to guard.

They then see Armin takes his blades out

Mikasa: Armin?!

Armin: I'll get Eren out of here! Mikasa! Ravus! Protect us from the Titans!

Mikasa: What are you...

Armin walks up to the nape.

Armin: Eren came out of the Titan's weak point before. *uses his gear to hold himself tight* This has to be related to the mystery of the Titan's true nature. It'll be fine. As long as I avoid the middle, it won't be fatal. It's just going to hurt a bit! 

Mikasa: Armin!

Armin stabs his blade into the nape and leads it through Eren's left arm. The Titan reacts and tries to shake Armin off.

Ravus: Are you crazy?!

Mikasa: Armin, don't be a fool! 

Armin: Mikasa! Right now, do what you can! If you go, there are lives you can save! Leave Eren to me and get going! Ravus! Stay here and make a barrier!

Mikasa runs up from the building to join the other soldiers, while Ravus jumps on the boulder and creates a static cage around Eren, Armin and the boulder.

Ravus: You have five minutes time! That's my time limit! 

Armin: Right, thanks! Eren, you can hear me?! Get a grip, man! If you don't come out of there, we're all dead! Don't let a mere Titan body control you! Hurry up and get out of that lump of flesh! Eren! Come out! Hurry! Eren! Eren! What happened to avenging your mother?! Weren't you going to exterminate all the Titans?! Don't you hate those bastards for killing your mom?! Wait, what? Avenge his mother? Exterminate all the Titans just because one of them killed his mother? Huh, just like home like I want to kill her. Eren! Wake up, please! Eren! I know you're in there, Eren! If you stay here, we'll be killed by the Titans! Everything will end right there!

Ravus: How much longer?! I can't hold the barrier much long!

Armin: Eren! Eren! Eren! Eren! Weren't we going to explore the outside world? Far, far beyond these walls... To the burning water and the land of ice. To the snowfields of sand. To that world my parents were always hoping to see... I thought you'd forgotten about it, but you'd just stopped bringing it up because you didn't want me to join the Recon Corps. Eren, answer me! Even though you knew hell was raging outside the walls... Even though we might end up dying horrible deaths like my parents... Why did you ever want to see the outside world?

After Armin said that, Eren's Titan begins to wake up. Ravus sees this and deactivates his Semblance, fells on his knees and pants for exhaustion. Armin grabs him quickly and jumps down. Eren stands up and takes the boulder and carries it to the hole.

Armin: You're alright?

Ravus: Yes, now I'm feeling better. I should now looking on the Titans to blow up their heads when they come near.

Armin: Okay, I'm going to Mikasa. You guard Eren, please.

Ravus: You owe me something then later.

Armin then leaves him to make his report.

Ravus: Well then, shall we?

Some time later while Ravus kills all Titans on his reach, he sees then soldiers coming down to protect Eren. I will never understand these people. Why can't they just stay on their posts and live? Or maybe I'm the coward. Huntsmen and Huntresses risking their lifes just to give us a better future, and I? Just hiding, steal and kill for the survival of the Tribe. Now I understand why Uncle Qrow left. He looks around to see a lot of soldiers got eaten even Ian. No! Furious, he gets faster and kills as revenge the Titan who killed Ian. He then looks back at Eren who is already before the gate.

Armin: Go, Eren! Fight!

Eren let out a roar and close the breach with the boulder. From the shockwave some rocks hits Ravus and his Aura flickers. Oh, really now?! Eren's Titan form then sits before the boulder unmoving. The nape with showing Eren is open and Armin tries to pull him out. Ravus place his sword back on his spine, jumps up to Armin and tries to help to get Eren out. While he's trying this he sees Mikasa running up to them.

Mikasa: Armin! Ravus! How's Eren?

Armin: He's feverish from the unbelievable heat in here! We need to get him over the Wall right away! *Mikasa rushes up to them* Part of his body is still fused with the Titan. We can't pull him out! 

Rico: We'll have to cut it then! Huh? Since when...

Ravus: Allow me. *grabs his sword from his back*

Mikasa: Hold on!

Ravus cuts the flesh off and frees Eren from the Titan and Armin falls with Eren off. Ravus sees the two Titans coming behind them. He reacts fast and stands before them to protect the both, but the Titans got killed fast by an another soldier. After the Titans ae fallen the soldiers stands on top of a Titan.

Armin: Mikasa...

Mikasa: That's...

Eren looks weakly up to see the emblem on the cloak that the man carries.

Eren: The wings... of freedom. 

The man then looks behind to the kids.

Levi: Hey, you kids... what's the situation here?


Sorry when it took so long... AGAIN!

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