Battle against the Interior Police

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In the Underground Chapel, the Anti-Personnel Control Squad hunkers down and prepares for an attack. The doors leading above ground burst open and barrels of gunpowder, augmented with bags of oil, roll down the stairs to the floor below. Levi, Hange, and their squad members charge in after them. Sasha fires a flaming arrow from her bow and into one of the barrels, causing it to explode. Other squad members fire signal flares into the air. This creates a smoke screen for Levi and Mikasa Ackermann to begin their attack. Levi counts out a total of thirty-five Anti-Personnel Control Squad members and calls out their location to the other Scouts.

Levi: Thirty-five enemies! They've gathered behind the pillars! Continue the plan! We'll take 'em all out right there!

Caven shouts out from her hideout

Caven: All troops, spread out! Surround them one at a time!

Everyone of the Scout except of Armin, Sasha and Moblit who still create more smoke spread out for attack. The smoke makes it difficult for the Anti-Personnel Squad to fight. Their Anti-Personnel ODM requires that they fire in the same direction they intend to shoot their anchors, so they are unable to attack someone directly behind them. Jean and Conny both take out enemy soldiers as Sasha and Armin provide covering fire. 

A-P S- Member1: Damn, where are they?! 

A- PS- Member2: Just keep your eyes open! *notices Ravus* There is one!

Just when he is about to shoot at him, he dives already deep into the smoke. While they wonder where he is, they notice the cables of the ODM-Gear comes up between them and Ravus flies up readies his sword and behalf the two men from the stomaches. He looks around and notice Caven from the far. He quickly chases her from down while Levi comes from up after he killed two enemys. Caven realizes that when the Scouts are able to get close to them, their swords give them the advantage. The Anti-Personnal Squad is at risk of being wiped out when Kenny arrives and shoots at Levi to draw his attention. He shoots at a pillar as Levi quickly hide behind it.

Kenny: Yo, Levi. Not that I've got time to waste on you, but... If you get past there, it'll all be for nothin'. *Reloads weapon* So be it. Guess I'll have to play. 

The two engage in combat. Kenny manages to scratch Levi with a dagger but he wonders why no blood comes out from him but a weak red light as if it would shielding him. Levi throws a bag of oil at him. Kenny shoots it, causing a fireball that Levi leaps through to attack him. He takes a slice to the gut, which is enough to wound but not incapacitate him.

Seeing Hange approach, Caven fires wildly off target to feign a weakness and create an opening. Hange falls for the bait and chases after her.

Hange: Huh? Both of your shots were way off! You like to live recklessy, too?!

 Caven lands on a wall and shoots one of the anchors from her Anti-Personnel ODM into Hange's shoulder. This allows her to swing Hange across the field until momentum tears her free and throws her against one of the crystal cavern's pillars. Before she gets in contact with the pillar, Ravus quickly comes up with his Semblance and catches her. He jumps down and lies her on the ground and sees like the others in shock at her. After that Ravus looks at Caven with a murderous stare, so she flinches in fear.

Caven: Now! Fall back to the final defensive post! Time to regroup!

They retire

Levi: Tsk! Ravus! Use your teleport and go to Eren!

Ravus: But--

Levi: Go!

Ravus first didn't wanted to do it but gives up and creates his portal to get to Eren. Sorry, I don't use it very often, so I can't hold it very long. As soon as he was in the portal closes.

A bird in the Scouts (on hiatus)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora