Loss and the raven appears

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Inside the forest on a tree 

Eren: So that was his plan from the start! That's it, right? I can see why he kept it a secret from us new recruits, but why wouldn't he tell you, when you've all been with the Recon Corps for so long?

Aurou: Shut up! 

Petra: Are you implying the Commander and the Captain don't trust us?

Eren: But that's exactly what this means...

Aurou: Petra, rip out his teeth, then swap the incisors with the molars and shove'em back in!

Eld: No, Eren's right on the mark... I think the Captain kept this from us for a reason

Gunter: Like what?

Eld: There's only one reason he wouldn't trust his fellow soldiers. A person who can become a Titan, or a spy working for such people, has infiltrated our ranks.

Ravus: So, one of your people played the whole time to be an ally and a friend but turns into a traitor. 

Gunter: A spy? You really think so?

Eld: At any rate the Commander has suspicions of his own. I'd imagine the only soldiers who knew of the plan were those who survived with him from five years ago. Ravus. You already heard what happened of that tragedy?

Ravus: Yes...

Gunter: I see... So that's it.

Aurou: No doubt. Understand, Eren? That's how it is.

Petra: If that's the case, it does make sense. He's assuming that five years ago, when the first Wall fell, a spy managed to slip in amongst us. And he narrowed down the possibilities from there.

Eld: Then this spy killed Sawney and Bean?

Petra: Back then the Commander asked me about that.

Ravus: You just realized it now?

Eren: That question was reffering to this?

Eld: If we could've answered him then, maybe we could've been there for him. I doubt that anyone could've known back then, though.

Aurou: I knew. But I didn't say anything. Do you know why?

Petra: Why?

Aurou: What, can't you tell? Well, I guess I shouldn't expect much from the likes of you. You have yet to reach my level.

Petra: Hey, are you trying to imitate Captain Levi again? The captain would never say anything as dumb as that.

Ravus: Please, let me rip his vocal cords out so I must not hear this nonsense again.

Eren ponders about Erwin's decision, knowing that too many soldiers died because of it.  

Eld: Do you think the Commander was wrong?

Ravus: It doesn't matter anymore. It's done. The Titan you wanted is captured. Mission completed.

Eren : And what is with the soldiers who died? What's with them?

Ravus: They did their duty but failed to survive. I didn't knew them and I don't care about their deaths.

Eren couldn't believe what he heard. Ravus doesn't care about others. He goes angry to him, puch him hard on his face and holds his colar.

Eren: What should that mean?! They were our comrades, you should honor them and not tell they were a waste! How many people had you killed before?! How many families had you destroyed without regret?! Do you feel nothing but hate, proud and wrath?! Tell me!

A bird in the Scouts (on hiatus)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن