The court

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Later in the dungeons

Some time passed after the retake of Trost. Eren who lies on a bed wakes up. He sees Ravus sitting on the ground, leaning against a wall and reads a book about The creatures of Grimm with a candle.

Ravus: Finally awake, huh? By the way we have visitors.

Eren: What? *sits up*

Eren looks at the same direction where Ravus look and see two persons before the cell. He recognizes them as Erwin Smith and Levi of the Scout Regiment.

Erwin: Do you have any questions?

Eren: Where... are we?

Erwin: As you can see, you two are in an underground dungeon. You're currently in the custody of the Military Police, but we finally got permission to see you a little while ago. Your friend there was surprising not cooperative with the Police but with us. *looks at Ravus* You've beaten over ten Military Police soldiers for treatment but you were cooperative with Squad Soldiers, why?

Ravus: *still not looking* Easy, I hate people who are working for the law. I got even mad when they tried to take my BlackCrow. Rather give it to you then them.

Levi: You mean this? *shows Black Crow* This model is strange. From where did you get that?

Ravus: Made it myself. When I was very young. When I was seven years old, my mother set me every month in the forest out for survival exercises. She gave me all materials to build a weapon.

Erwin: You had a harsh live.

Ravus: Take care of your own stuff. I don't need pity. The weak die, the strong lives. Those are the rules. Just make that the MP lapdogs don't get my stuff.

Levi: Tch, what a brat.

Erwin: By the way... *holds the key out*

Eren: That key!

Erwin: Yeah, it's yours. I'll give it back later. The basement of your house, Dr. Jaeger's house in Shiganshina, holds the secrets of the Titans. Am I right?

Eren: Yes. Probably. That's what my father said.

Levi: You have amnesia and your father is missing... The brat comes from another world to become stronger. Awfully convenient, don't you think?

Erwin: Levi. We've already concluded they have no reason to lie. There is still so much we don't know. The stuff of our new friend Ravus proofs that. Do you know the reason of the threat with these Grimm?

Ravus: ... Yes, but not everyone knows that. And that's better so. When the others know about it, it will cause panic, Grimm invasion begins and then comes an another war.

Erwin: For now, I think the most important thing to enquire about is your intentions.

Eren: Our... intentions?

Erwin: To return to your house, we must retake the Shiganshina District of Wall Maria. It would take drastic measures to seal the broken gate. We'd need your Titan strength. Our fate rides on a Titan, it seems. The Colossal Titan. The Armored Titan. They are probably just like you.Your intentions are the key here. The key of freeing mankind from this despair. And you boy. If you want to get stronger, you could come to the Recon Corps and help us. With your power we will get our target faster.

Eren: I'll...

Levi: Answer the man, scum. What do you want to do?

Eren: I want to join the Recon Corps, and kill as many Titans as I can, sir!

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