Hunters vs Hunted

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Crap, I have to bring Nifa into safety, but where? If she stays here, she will be killed. It seems I have no choice. Time to use my second Semblance. Ravus swings his sword and creates a portal like Raven's. 

Ravus: Get in.

Nifa: What?

Ravus: Don't worry, you'll be in safety. Give their leader this. *gives her his amulet* She knows that's mine. I will activate it again when the danger is over and bring you back, okay?

Nifa: Okay.

Ravus: Good and now get in.

Nifa stands up and runs in the portal. When she's in, the portal dissapears.

Hazel: Name's Hazel. 

Ravus: ... You'll pay.

Hazel gets surprised when Ravus appears suddenly before him and punches him on his abdomen making him fall from the building. Ravus looks down at him but gets surprised when Hazel stands up as if he has no pain.

Ravus: How has you... Oh you're Semblance must protect you from any feeling of pain. Fine then I have to punch you so long until you're Aura get empty.

Hazel: Then prepare yourself for THAT!

Hazel puts out from a pocket fire- and earth Dust crystals and pierces them in his arms. 

Ravus: Is that pure Dust?! Are you crazy?! 

Hazel: You just don't understand. It's a shame that I have to kill you in such a young age but you can thank your cursed eyes.

Ravus: Tch. First you cooperate with that witch and now a mass murderer. You are more bad then me. When I go back, I'll think about to join Ozpin.

Hazel: OZPIN?!! YoU cAn ReTuRn As A cOrPsE tHeN!!!

It seems I hit a nerve. Uh-oh. Ravus notice Hazel who jumps up and is about to punch him with an earth covered fist with veins of fire in the earth. He ducks and manage to dodge one fist but not the another one who hit him in the stomach. He gasps and flies in the air. When he falls down, Hazel prepares himself to hit Ravus again, but Ravus suddenly grabs his arm and throws him away just in the direction where Historia and Eren are.

Ravus: Shit!

He charges as quick as he can to the wagon. I hope I didn't throw him on the wagon. Feels that his hands and abdomen hurt. Damn, that hurt like hell. It feels like that punch took a lot of my Aura. One hit more and I'll have a real problem.

Meanwhile before the fight of Ravus

As Kenny prepares to fire his guns at Levi, Levi throws one of his blades at him. Kenny deflects the blade away and fires a retaliatory shot, but Levi manages to avoid getting hit by hiding under his cloak. Seeing his squad mate dead, Levi makes a hasty getaway from the scene while being chased by Kenny and his squad.

On the hearse, Keiji hears gunshots and sees members of Kenny's squad approaching their position. He tells Eren and Historia to stay in the carriage and speeds up, but their pursuers are already in range. They fire grappling hooks at the carriage, tearing off its top and exposing Eren and Historia. Eren picks up a rife to return fire, but both Historia and himself are hit with tranquilizers and knocked out, before Keiji is shot and killed as well. But then Hazel flies then to them and lands on the street kneeling and grabs with his hand tight on the ground to stop himself. Then Ravus comes up.

Ravus: Oh no, you don't! *notices Eren and Historia drugged* Eren! Historia!

Ravus wants to chase him but Hazel grabs him from behind and shoves him on the ground.

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