Extra - Succumbing to Temptation

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Author's note; As for mentioned, this is something irrelevant and for those who enjoy rot!  Therefore if you wish not to read smut scenes between two men, please do not read and wait for tomorrow's update instead.  Hugs for all readers!

The Pirates of The Helixian Galaxy did not just have a few remote outposts and stations they used for 'business' purposes.  In fact one of the best places to hide their usually illegal operations were upon planets with large populations.  Unscrupulous authorities that happily accepted bribes would generally turn blind eyes upon the black markets operating in their midst and likewise the Pirates who had links to them.  It was just that the Sabine had two reasons not to visit these worlds often.

They flew into Carbinite's floating city port and followed instructions to dock, before about half of the crew disembarked for their short leave.  Amongst them were Swab and the kid, who he had adopted almost twelve years ago.  However with Swab's lax and sunny nature, they were more like brothers that father and son.

Zee followed Swab into the bar, where the older man followed the instructions given to him by the Captain.  The owner looked startled as he scanned the chip given to him by the man with blond hair and a bright smile.  He crushed the chip quickly in hand and instructed his workers to serve the two men whatever it was they wished to drink, before hurrying off.  Swab quickly relaxed as he sat at the bar, the offered whiskey held in a casual grip.  Zee frowned, aware that Swab would not stop drinking until he collapsed, so ordered a soda instead.  Who exactly was the father and son again?

There was a sudden giggle off to one side of them and a young woman wearing very revealing clothes sidled up to the older man.  "Excuse me," she said, in dulcet tones.  "My friends and I were wondering if you would like to join us for a drink."

Swab turned lazily around to see a group of young, attractive women staring over at him, whispering amongst themselves.  He raised his glass in agreement, before instructing Zee to wait there for the owner. 

Zee watched as Swab was surrounded by the feminine beauties and sneered.  That man would be pulling girls until he'd fall into his grave in his late two hundreds!  If, as a Pirate, he lived that long.  As he was only fifty now, he had plenty of beds to grace yet.  With a sigh, Zee turned back to his drink.

"Children shouldn't toy with alchohol," the deep voice causing a chill of pleasure to run down his spine. He peeked up through his curly blond bangs, his heart beginning to race the moment he laid eyes on that chiselled face.

He licked his suddenly dry lips. "It's soda," he replied, with a slight squeak, before turning red. Dammit, couldn't even speak properly when faced with that man's glory.

The burning eyes narrowed as he bent over to inspect the drink, before he leant back, satisfied. "I'll let you off, for the drink anyway," he said.

"Heh, I take it then you are wanting to reclaim the earring," Zee flashed him a wide grin. He hadn't once removed it since having his ear pierced to wear it. At first he was because he childishly wished to show off his booty, but later it had become a link to the man he'd become interested in.

"Yes," came the simple reply.

Zee tugged at his lobe, but did not remove the gold ornament. "That's a shame, I've grown quite attached to it."

The man bowed down until his lips were near to that ear and he murmured; "I never said I would reclaim it without the body it adorns."

"And how would you claim said body?" Zee whispered with a shiver.

"Come with me and find out."  Zee shot a surreptitious look at Swab, who was busy drowning in whiskey and the attention of those women, before nodding a nervous agreement. 

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