Chapter One Hundred and Ten - Dealing with Memories

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Swept up by the enthusiasm of his Faction mates, Owen plastered an expression of bored arrogance upon his face, looking more like the second generation rich young master, knowing that this was how Last Fortress perceived him. How dare he spend a fortune on custom content making his avatar unique and his weapons top of the line? He laughed in his heart as he sauntered forth in the middle of his friends and teammates.

As they approached where Last Fortress was said to be gathering, Owen lifted his chin to scan over them with visible contempt. Let us see just how handsome that man is then shall we, he thought, filled with dislike for his online foe.

His cold, pale eyes met two cynical warm and dark ones and before them flashed a number of faces that shared similar eyes. Owen swallowed to ease a suddenly dry throat... what was he doing? He was going to confront a man he hated, but he didn't hate his husband... husband? He's not married, he doesn't even have a boyfriend! But I love him... hate him... he saved me... he obstructs me at every moment... but that is in the game... in real life.. what life...

Confronted by memories of other lives, where he was other people, where he was married or living with that man, his lover, his husband, he couldn't handle the numerous images flooding into his mind. All caused by... he tore his gaze away and fled.


He ran from me! Adam thought both alarmed and dismayed, both angered and distressed. Without thought, he instinctively moved to capture him, but was pulled back by Jordan and Charity, the girl who happened to play the character Trinity Desertflower.

"What was that all about?" Jordan asked as the members of Thirteen Levels of Purgatory all turned to each other in confusion before chasing down their leader, having lost the will to heckle.

Adam cleared his throat. "Not sure," he said, honestly.

"Probably just realising how awesome we are," Charity joked, causing a few nearby members to chuckle. She was a tall, lithe young woman, easily meeting eye to eye with him with the help of her pretty heels. She wore a flowy black skirt and long sleeved red top that might as well have been a second skin. Her raven locks were naturally curly and eyes a vivid green. "Poor boy just couldn't handle it!"

Adam frowned wanting to deny her words. That was his man she was talking badly about! But it would look odd if he suddenly defended him now, he could only swallow down his retort with regret. How was it possible that the youth he had never met yet grown to dislike ended up being the person he loved beyond anything else?

"Ah, you are members of Last Surviving Fortress?" A representative of the sponsors asked as he checked the names upon his clipboard. After hearing many affirmatives asked; "And which one of you is... Black Zeus?"

Adam reddened slightly, it sounded odd being called by his avatar now, for some reason. "That would be me," he said, managing to retain a straight face.

"Could you and the four players you are competing with please come to the stage?" The rep requested. "We will be starting the competition shortly."

"Sure," Adam agreed, though deep down he wanted only to find and embrace the youth he only knew as Requiem Knife.

The rep thanked him then went on his way. Jordan swung his arm over Adam's shoulders. "Come on, let's do this!"

"This is going to be so much fun!" Charity sang.


Owen planned to escape to the bathroom to settle his thoughts and get his mind in order. Only then did he feel like he could focus. He was sure this had never happened to him before, in those previous lives that demanded his attention now, and he wasn't sure how to handle it. However, before he got too far, he was stopped by a representative of the sponsors saying that he and his friends needed to be on stage soon to compete.

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