Trying to plan the wedding

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-For the love of god! Leonie is talking seriously? His family rots in money and asks me for a dowry! For my son!-Thomas father shouted indignantly
-I'm not going to pay a dowry for my only son-Thomas mother said-If your son is going to steal my son's innocence and you still wants me to pay for it-

That made him laugh, in fact he had stolen Thomas' innocence long ago but being fair he wasn't an expert in sex with a man either.

-Why not?-
-Mother, I don't think a dowry is necessary-decided to interfere for the first time-Tom isn't a lady-
-But he will be your wife!-Leonie insisted

That made him laugh but he dissimulated it with a cough.

-Mother for love of heaven, there will be no dowry and end of the discussion-he said using the voice with which he used to speak to his men
-Don't you dare to use that tone with me, Christopher Hemsworth, in any case we have the same rank-she said, giving a blow to the table and the glasses moved
-Excuse me-

It was more prudent not to make his mother mad that really honored her name and became a lion like a beast.

-And do you know what date it will be?-Thomas father dared to ask to remove the tension that fell on the table
-It will not be in summer-
-It's not going to be winter-Tom said at the same time that he

Both They looked with affection, knowing that the other was looking for the comfort of their partner.

-Spring or Autumn will be-said the black-haired woman-I imagine it will be in London-
-In London? Dear is a wedding, not a funeral. It should be a place with life like Australia and not that city with depressing skies-

It granted his mother that he didn't want to marry and that the always rainy days of London were in the picture.

-At least in London you don't run the risk of being eaten by something-it was Diana's counterattack
-And why don't they make it here in Paris?-suggested Tom's father in an attempt to calm the dispute
-Of course not!-both women shouted at him
-The ceremony will be religious-the blue-eyed woman practically sentenced
-You joke no father will accept a union of a homosexual couple, to avoid shame it would be better if only a ceremony by the civilian-
-More reason for the wedding is carried out in Australia, our priests they accept the unions of the LGBT community-
-They are liberals-
-And you old-fashioned ones-
-It will be for the civilian-
-By the civil!-
-That for the civil!-
-It will be for the church!-
-Although it's for the church there must be one in the civil registry-said the chestnut

That led to another dispute.

-You will deliver your son-said the Australian
-Excuse? Why you don't surrender yours-said annoyed Craig
-I'm not going to let my son and general have to walk to the altar-Leonie shouted
-I am not going to allow my son to do such a humiliating act-his father shouted-Why don't you give yours?-
-Because my son was the one who gave the ring-she growled

In the end miraculously nobody ended up killing anyone and the parents of both returned to their respective hotels.

-I think I'm going to die-Thomas speak diverting his beautiful blue eyes
-Why?-asked with concern
-Maybe because our parents were about to kill themselves? What are we going to do with the wedding? Basically they are opposites what they ask-he ask worried wringing their hands nervously
Christopher took his hands-Tom is our wedding is going to be what we want-he assure him tenderly and giving him a little kiss on the lips
-We should see it-said opening his computer
-Okay-he said, sitting down beside him
-It will be in autumn...-
-Spring-said Chris at the same time
-The spring is the season of love, that's why we should marry in this-
-But spring is coming soon, we can't plan the wedding in such a short time-
-We can marry next year-said as if it was obvious
-We aren't going to get married next year-sentenced
-But don't you think it's a bit soon?-
-You must have thought about that before handing me the ring-said annoyed
-I told you that if you didn't want to get married you could say no-he answered raising his voice-Arrg...-growled pulling his blond hair-forgiveness...I didn't want to scream at you and that's not what I meant-he said seeing Thomas's pained expression
-Then what do you mean?-
-What is our wedding, I want it to be perfect and planned to the last detail, so I don't mind waiting, why you do?-
-And if you change your mind?-
-Tom as you can if you want to think about it, I will never leave you-he sure cradling his hands-But if that's what worries you, we can get married this year-
That illuminated the face of his beloved-Then we'll get married in the fall-
-I can ask why the insistence that it's in the fall?-asked to realize that it couldn't make him change his opinion
-Because autumn is a time of change and renewal. We continue to love each other, only that our relationship changes and evolves. I will be able to fill you husband-

That was the best argument he could hear.

-Then in October it will be-said smiling like an idiot
-Thank you. It can be in London-

Christopher's face showed a gesture of displeasure.

-Seem a depressing city-
-Deprimenting no. Too rainy yes-
-It was always the illusion of getting married in Westminster Abbey-confessed blushing


Dear readers that's all for today, I'm having exams this week so please wish me luck.

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