Chapter 14

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Haze's P.O.V.

"Haze, just please show your face. I'd trust you more." A girl named Kyleigh says, who is a 13 year old daughter of Demeter.

The hunters have been either glaring at me or begging me to show my face. As I think about it, it's not like anyone will recognize me anyways.

I sigh. "Fine. Nobody knows who I am anyways. What's the harm, I guess."

I pull down my hood.

Thalia looks the slightest bit disappointed, because she doesn't see Percy Jackson. Instead she sees a boy with crystal white hair (yes, I decided that I would have my new haircut be short-trimmed, not crazy and wavy like my Percy Jackson hair. That's a style now.) and bright ice eyes with a orange rim and sea green speaks .

The hunters all look confused on who I am, but shake it off as if I've never met most of them before.

"Thanks, Haze." Kyleigh says.

I nod. "My pleasure," I tell her.

I help packing up the tents. We're moving to a new campsite.

I clean up all arrows, extra bows, scraps of food that may have fallen, and any lamps or lanterns.

Since I finish early, I grab a sword and a training dummy and go deeper into the woods.

The sword is unbalanced just like every other sword, except my old one . I wonder what happened to it?

When my ex father disowned me, the sword didn't belong to me, because I'm no longer his son. Until I get a new one, all of them will be unbalanced.

I spend maybe half an hour slashing at the dummy. I'd say that, for a guy that hasn't lifted a sword for 200 years, I'm pretty good.

The dummy is decapitated, has half of the insides ripped out, and a body that looks almost as torn as mine. I told you I didn't look good.

"Haze!We're packed up, ready to move!" Artemis shouts giving me a once over and glare.

I run back to where our campsite was, panting. The girls are all standing there.

Thalia is carrying a backpack in her hands, but walks toward me and shoves it in my hands. "Here ya go, buddy, just for you."

Suddenly all the girls follow her lead, until I'm holding all the bags and not being able to see in front of me.

I nod my head, after all I am the intruder.

"What were you doing with that sword, Haze? You're sweating." Artemis tells me. "Were you training?"

I nod. "I wanted to practice a little."

They look at me like I'm a little nutsy but then turn back.

* Time skip a few hours *

"You look similar to Jack Frost." One of the older hunters, Ashley, says to me.

" Yeah imagine if he was and brought winter. That would be awesome." Said a newer hunter, named Macy who I brought here.

"Too bad. He's not." Phoebe retaliates.

"Why do you hate me?" I ask.

She laughs. Not a nice laugh. More of a 'Johanna Mason When Coin Announces Capitol Children Hunger Games' laugh. Yes, I like Hunger Games.

"You're a boy in a girl's camp. We're living perfectly fine, and then you come along! Boy."

I am invading, Hestia you shouldn't have agreed to this, I thought.

"My apologies."

Whose y'alls favorite HOO character ?

Mines Leo

Sorry this chapter was short I think I'm hitting a dead space, but I'll still continue to try uploading.

Until next time Cheerios.

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