Chapter 42

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                                  Hestia's P.O.V.

Sadness had been lingering on Olympus since the moment that we learned that Perseus was captured.

But I had been believing and hoping that he was alright, and I could see that Poseidon and some other gods felt the same way.

And the irony was that the Lord of the Dead actually gave that hope to us by telling us he hasn't reached the land of the dead.

After the meeting ended, Poseidon just wandered off. I watched him go, concerned; he hadn't been this sad in a long time.

All of the gods seemed sad about this new event. Not only for the so called capture of Percy, but because we might have lost the only way we could win this war.

Even Zeus and Ares seemed affected.

I wondered how I looked. I tried staying calm for the sake of the others, but Percy was my friend, almost my child even.

I was sitting at my hearth, trying to locate Percy using the connection we shared, when all of the sudden I felt a big wave of energy regarding my domains.

But it wasn't coming from me. And the only person who somehow had a small portion of them was Percy.

I immediately called the attention all the other Olympians, changing into my armor in order to emphasize the importance of my words.

It had the intended impact on every Olympian since I only wore it in very special occasions. Some of them must have sensed something too, since they flashed into their battle armor.

"What's happening?" Zeus said.

At that moment I felt a gift I had given to Percy being used. The power of returning to the Hearth.

The momentary hope I felt was overshadowed by the realization that it contained more power than Percy had inside him from my blessings.

I drew my weapon and all the gods followed my example.

I quickly summoned my last amount of power connected to Haze, and summoned him here. The amount of energy, to transmit him here was something I haven't ever expressed before.

The dizziness in my forehead was quickly demolished by the idea of Haze coming back.

It wasn't dramatic, or even flashy.One moment the room was empty and the next, Percy and Epimetheus appeared in the Throne Room.

I was too stunned to move.

Epimetheus was here. We had to move before he could adjust to the change in surroundings.

"NO!" he yelled as he tried to leap at Percy but Artemis was quicker than all of us, sending a volley of arrows at him.

"DESTROY HIM!" Poseidon yelled and I sent a beam of power through my weapon at the primordial.

"Go to the void!" Percy yelled as he used a power I feared, having seen Poseidon use it in the past. He boiled Epimetheus's  ichor and delivered the final blow.

The fall of the titan was accompanied by an earthquake.

We all held our breath, waiting for something worse to happen. But moments passed, and nothing did.

Epimetheus was defeated and Haze was here, down on a knee from exhaustion.

Poseidon moved towards his son slowly,Artemis right behind him, and me on the other side of them. He reached out to his son as if afraid that Percy would disappear at any given moment.

"Percy?" asked the Lord of the Seas, with doubt in his voice.

The young hero stood up shakily and turned towards his father. Then he did something that surprised us.

He started walking, past his father and stopped in front of Artemis.

"Are the hunters alright?" He asked.

"They are." She replied.

He smiled in relief and made to turn again. But before he could do anything more his face paled and he began to fall.

Artemis caught him midair.

Apollo was already by his and touched the side of Percy's temple and looked at the rest of us, he will be good in five minutes. That was his diagnosis as he flashed them away.

I looked around at the gods, as Zeus ordered us to start an emergency meeting. Poseidon and Hades looked relieved as most of the gods did.Ares because he wouldn't die, Athena for finding out that maybe her daughter could finally be happy again,Artemis because her guardian was back and well. I could also see Zeus was happy with the outcome.

Five minutes later Apollo flashed into his throne, while Percy appeared before us. He still looked like he went through a Tsunami with his jagged clothes and his skin covered in blood and dirt. His once white hair was now patted down in blood. He had more scars covering his skin, but moved as if nothing affected him.

He kneeled in front of Zeus then he turned to bow to his father, who had already flashed in front of his son.

"No, son. You shouldn't. I should be the one to bow to you, for not just returning, but also for staying loyal even after all you went through. I'm so sorry. Percy will you ever forgive me." He said with guilt in his voice.

"I'm fine. I have continued breathing, I can continue moving. Our relationship will never be the same, but I will always continue caring." Percy replied as he pulled away.

Then Percy bowed to Artemis, Hades, who took us by surprise and hugged him. Then he came in front of my throne.

"Lady Hestia, thank you for your gifts," he said under his breath, so that I could only hear it. I stood up and embraced him.

"I thank you Percy. For knowing where the Hearth is."I whispered.

"You taught me that," he pointed out, modest as always.

"Wait. Something feels different. Like an old wound closed," I realized, narrowing my eyes.. Instead of an answer he took a step back and smiled sadly.

I then turned to Zeus, "Anything to say brother?" I almost mocked him.

"There are some matters that need closing." He said, not letting it be seen that he was taken aback by my comment.

And then it was explanation time.

But then Artemis stood up.

" Tartarus has just attacked Camp Half-Blood," she announced, and turned to Percy. At once the smile melted off his face and his eyes darkened.

"No one hurts my family or my home," he replied, Riptide on his hand.

He quickly flashed to the camp, in a swirl of flame and water.

He was truly different from all of us, and it was something I would forever respect.

Whose your favorite lost hero?

Mine would be Zoe, I just loved her creativeness with jokes. I mean Dam.

:') ~ I just realized you can put noses on smiley faces. I think it's too nosy so I'm gonna stick with the original.


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