Chapter 5

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– Jake & Monica –

   It's inevitable in life, really, that at some point you'll end up being a third wheel. Maybe it's because your friend is nervous to be alone with the opposite sex or maybe because you just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe you just like being a third wheel, but right now, with his first experience of feeling like the third wheel, Jake Highland hates it.

   The two single parents have been talking for a little less than five minutes, but that was enough to make the five-year-old brunet bored and a tad grumpy. That was until he stared up at the two adults, seeing that they in fact were talking and talking could end up becoming so much more. At that moment he wished that this 'Uncle Li' character never took Athena back to the car because then she could help him on making them more.

   And yeah, he's seen those moves where someone or something pushes one of the two people so that they could get closer but really, Jake didn't have the strength to do that (although he does like to think himself as his favourite superhero – The Hulk – with incredible strength) so he couldn't do that.

   Monica, although a mother, loved to act like a teen and force Jake into watching chick-flicks with her on her days off (she owns a quaint dance studio, and though she doesn't like to admit it to Jake, it's not doing so well) which happens to be on Tuesday and Saturday. So Jake happened to know a lot of things that could get his mum with Athena's dad – he just had to think of the perfect one.

   Tuning into the adult's conversation, they were on the subject of Liam Payne and how he had decided to go on solo.

   Harry subconsciously fiddled with the ring on his left hand, twisting it slowly not even noticing that Monica was watching him do so. "Yeah, I had considered on going solo after One Direction ended but I really just wanted to settle down and you know, have a family."

   "And you do," Monica said snapping her gaze away from his left hand. She watched as he stared at the ground, a sad smile grazing his lips (which confused her greatly) as he was probably thinking of something. "And you, no doubt, have amazing friends to go along with it."

   Harry did have a pure smile then, making Monica return it because it was simply blissful to see such an enduring smile on the old boyband member's face. It was one where his dimples were visible but not completely there – her favourite kind when he was still out there, making music with his mates.

   She wishes that she hadn't pushed herself away from all the friends she had when finding out she was pregnant. She honestly pushed them away before they could do so to her. She was afraid that they'd react like Jake's Father had, maybe not as terrible – but still. So she had cut them off, and the only person that she really found herself having is her brother Jeff and the occasional parent.

   Just when Harry was about to respond, Jake spoke up, finally coming up with something that could make the two get closer. "Mum, can Athena and Harry come have dinner with us?"

   Monica's lips parted as she stared down at the boy, there was a mischievous look in his eyes and frankly, that made her a tad suspicious. She was about to deny it with a, "he probably has something to do" or better to do, she added mentally but Harry had replied before she could say anything.

   "I think that would be nice... I'll get to know you a bit more – uh, and we'd get to see just how good of friends our kids are," he said biting down on his lip to prevent the blush creeping up his neck. Monica looked away from Jake and toward Harry. "Uh, Liam can come too, yeah?"

   "Of course," she replied slowly, not wanting to say no to the lad she completely adored years back. She then took grasp of Jake's hand and turned her head to look toward the door. "We should probably go then. I think I can hear Liam honking the horn."

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