4- I'm so happy

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Richelle's POV:

After Noah gave me a promise ring, he made me believe I am worthy of love. I'm so happy.
Now I've just got to figure out a way to either tolerate Jacquie, or get her suspended from the team.

Noah and I walk into practice to find Piper, who is still trying for that aerial. Both of us give her pointers where we can but mostly focus on ourselves for now. Jacquie walks in and I instantly know things aren't right.
"Summer, this is the couple of our team. As I mentioned earlier, there tends to be a lot of dating in our teams...and Noah has a lot of history with girls." I glare at that. "But for now, they're the powerhouse couple of the team." Summer smiles politely, but she can already tell something is up.
"Well, I'm gonna warm up. Thanks for the weirdly historical tour Jacquie. How come you know so much about TNS?" She flips her hair as if that's an appropriate answer. It's not.

Emily runs into her office, crying again. She's been doing that a lot lately. Ever since West went away.
"So whilst Emily composes herself, we're going to work on the five person dance." We all get into position and I hear sobbing coming through the open door.
"I want the rest of you to improv in Studio A please." Studio 1 isn't used all too much anymore, but whilst Emily is moving her stuff from one place to the other, we're making the most of it.
"Do you want me to see if she's alright?" I sigh.
"No Jacquie. That's okay. Noah is the dance captain so he can check up on Emily if he wishes." Noah bolts at the opportunity because I basically told him to.

He comes back out, whispers something to Michelle who then tells me to go into the office.
"Richelle. I need you right now. You were my chosen dance captain and I really need you so much right now." I'm wondering where this is going.
"I need commitment. I need something stable in my life. I thought West was that, but I guess I was wrong." So that's what's going on.
"He left me. And I need you. And I need to know you won't leave me." Emily-ever the professional- has literally just broke down me.
"Emily. Pull yourself together. Since when do you need a man to tell you how to act. Since when do you need a boyfriend to be your stability. Since when do you care more about West, who is somewhere else entirely in the world, than us, your dancers. We're never leaving until you make us. We'll be here til we're a hundred if we live that long. But you can't act like this." I know I'm getting through to Emily.
"Your students won't respect you if you act like this. Because right now, I'm debating why I'm in this office lecturing you about your commitment to the team when in reality it should be the other way round. But it wouldn't be because I'm always here." She smiles even through the tears.
"Thanks Richelle, I really needed to hear that." I smile back, knowing my work is done.
"I'm thinking of getting my sister Riley to do a workshop with you all. What do you think?" I nod.
"That's a question for your dance captain." Noah is the best dance captain, even if he took it off of me. I know he'll know what to do.

"Whatever you said to her really worked. Thanks Richelle." I half hug Michelle. She clearly thinks I'm a hugger, which I am not. I just hope Michelle can get Emily back into full-Emily mode before we perform our five person dance. That's the most important thing to me right now.
"Go home, be ready by 6 and I'm taking you out. Fancy dress." Noah leaves with that and somehow I'm already excited. Noah always comes up with the best date ideas and this is going to be such a good way to finish the day. Especially after the day I've had.

A/N: I can't believe the ending of Season 6. I mean I suspected it but I'm devastated.

Thank you all for the support.

Let me know if you would like to see some original work, rather than fanfiction as I'm currently trying to work on a Wattpad book.
Yeah, thanks everyone and see you next time!

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