15-You're on probation

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Jacquie's POV:

No. I won't be defeated. Whatever Michelle is saying to me right now really has no purpose. Honestly, I did want to be friends with Richelle. But I wanted Noah more. Going after Ozzy was all part of the plan. I hoped she'd be affected, but I guess not. So I tracked down Elliot, which was hard enough. Getting him to go to TNS was even harder. But we did it. And I won't stop until Noah is happy with me.
"Noah is happy, Jacquie. When are you going to get that through your abnormally large head and process it into your little brain?" I've never seen Michelle this angry.
"First of all, that's really rude. My head is an average size. Second of all, my brain is larger than life and you better believe it. How do you think I got Elliot here? He came to see Richelle."
"Richelle wants a restraining order against him and you know that. Noah is happy with Richelle."
"Yes, but he'd be happier with me." Michelle rolls her eyes at my refusal to give in.
"Jacquie I'm afraid if you carry on, I'll have to dismiss you from TNS. You're on probation."

Hearing I'm on probation didn't surprise me, but having Davis take over my spot did. It's so unfair. She never really works for anything she gets. And she always gives in to other people. But I love her and she's my family. I'm torn.
If I demand my place back, I'll only get kicked out. So I don't know what to do.

Whilst I'm in Studio 1, I begin thinking. I do understand that what I did was wrong, but my heart was in it for the right reasons. Maybe I should just move on. Maybe I could move backwards?
"Hi Henry." I try.
"Sup. Come on Summer, let's go." They walk to the other side of the Studio and begin rehearsing. Watching them intimately go over the steps reminds me of everything I used to have. With Henry and with Noah. How do I get this all back?

I may as well try again with Ozzy. It's not like I ever really gave him a chance.
"Ozzy thank you so much for meeting me here." I say as he walks in.
"You've made it very clear how you feel. So why am I here Jacquie?" How to apologise by Jacquie. Here goes.
"I'm sorry, okay. I'm messed up. Seeing Noah choose Richelle over me really hurt. And then Davis came and I just went into a crazy spiral of revenge. And it wasn't right. But I want to try again with you. As friends." I'm hopeful now.
"Jacquie I want to forgive you but you brought Elliot into this studio to torment Richelle. I care about Richelle okay. Her happiness is my happiness and you can't just expect me to drop everything for you." Maybe not so hopeful.
"But I'm willing to try a friendship. Either to keep you in line or just to protect Richelle. I'm going to try." Just what I needed. A real friend.
"I'd tell you to apologise to Richelle, but she isn't ready to see your face yet."
"How do you know?"
"Because she's with Emily. And Emily's crying. Because of Elliot. And it's all your fault."

A/N: Ozzy supporting Richelle through and through. Gotta love him.

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