27- We've both changed

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Noah's POV:

It's the night of the dance and I'm honestly dreading it. I've no idea why I agreed to go to this. I thought Richelle and I would be going together, but now I'm wound up dancing with Jacquie. I don't want to do this.

Me and Richelle are the power couple of A Troupe and although I'm angry, I'm ready to let that go. If I can even get one conversation with Richelle, I'll call it a win. Ozzy has always been a pretty chill guy but I know how he feels about me and Richelle right now. And only one of them are positive feelings. I just wish I could've done it differently with Richelle. I think maybe if we'd never lived together, we wouldn't be in this predicament, or maybe she'd be in Paris, either way, I lose.

As I leave my house in a tux, I feel nothing. I don't want to go with Jacquie, I never did. There's an expectation which I have to live up to. And if Richelle has moved on, why shouldn't I?
I reach Jacquie's house and everything is so familiar to me. Even Davis, who I believe looks better than Jacquie, which I obviously can't say.

We make small talk on our way to the studio when my eyes land on Richelle. She looks stunning. And she's laughing with Ozzy. I wish I was that guy and Davis catches on as she tugs my jacket. I know she's looking out for her sister so I'll try to be less obvious now. We finally reach the studio and I'm not ready for this. I would try and talk to Richelle, but I know she probably hates me right now.

"Hey Ozzy." I start the conversation with.
"What's up bro?" Richelle stands closely to Ozzy before seeing Piper and drifting away for a couple of seconds.
"Look I know I wasn't cool about you and Richelle and I just want to apologise for that to you and Richelle. Do you think I could maybe speak to her at some point?" He Bro-hugs me before replying.
"I'll be your wingman, don't worry."

I've been dancing with Jacquie and aimlessly staring at Richelle for longer than I can bear since Emily arrived. I need to talk to Richelle. Ozzy approaches me and tells me his scheme. Costume cupboard, off I go.
"Hey." I switch on the lights. I've been quick to shut the door as I know she can't escape. Richelle starts banging on the door when she realises and I hug her to calm her down.
"Look Richelle, I know you're still mad at me and you have every right to be but somewhere within you, you need to find some closure. I need you in my life, Richie, I need you. And even if we're not destined to be together romantically, I need my best friend back." She sniffles and I realise she is sobbing.
"Richelle?" I notice I'm still hugging her and she hasn't said anything.
"Noah..." I love the sound of my name on her lips.
"I want to forgive you, but look at us. Locked in a costume cupboard when we're supposed to be with our dates." I finally come clean to her about Jacquie.
"I ditched Jacquie for you. Davis is currently telling her. Ozzy is outside this door, waiting for a signal to release us." She wipes a tear away.
"You did that? For me?" I nod. I lean in, but she turns away.
"Noah, I can't just pretend everything is the way it used to be. We've both changed and we can't change that. How do we change that?" Hearing that Richelle is willing to try for me means more than the world.
"Like this." I say as I lean in to kiss her. We continue to reunite until Ozzy knocks on the door, suggesting that he is leaving us. Maybe he thinks we are still fighting. Richelle's straightening her hair down when she laughs loudly.
"Sorry. It's just look at us in this cupboard. What are we doing here? We're supposed to be here for Emily so let's go." She takes my hand when I ask "what about Ozzy?" She replies as we signal for the door to open. It opens and Ozzy looks straight at our hands.
"Sorry, Ozzy, But you should've known this would happen." He shrugs like he knew.
"I appreciate you though," Richelle says before kissing his cheek. Clearly, for Ozzy, that's enough.

We sheepishly run back to the baby shower dance, trying not to create distraction. We disconnect our hands and run off together. Now, let's hope everyone accepts us again and accepts me.

A/N: This is what went down in the costume cupboard when Emily couldn't find Richelle...awkward!

I know I keep saying it but my fanfiction All We'll Ever Be is completely out now so please read it x

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