12-Enjoy Life

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Michelle's POV:

Nothing could be going better between me and Emily. After I spent so long admiring her, I'm finally getting what I want. Her. But I am a little worried about Richelle. She's been getting into fights with Jacquie, acting up with A Troupe and crying with Noah. I just hope everything is okay.

When me and Noah spoke, he said she's having to make some big decisions and despite Emily's harsh exterior, I know she'll be devastated if she finds out that Richelle is even having the slightest idea of leaving A Troupe. So I decided to speak to her.
"Thank you for coming to my office." She cuts in.
"Isn't this Emily's office?" I laugh to relax us both a little.
"We share." She smiles, obviously remembering that Emily and I are together.
"So what did you want from me?" Here goes nothing.
"Are you okay?" She looks at me bluntly.
"I'm fine." She shrugs.
"Can I go now?" I shake my head.
"Noah told me you're making some big decisions. If you have an opportunity you can't miss then I just want you to know that we support you."
"He told you, didn't he? He told you everything. Look I know my parents aren't good people, but I just want a relationship with them. Like any other child." She breaks down and I'm so confused but I can't show it. I just have to help her.
"Richelle. My parents are divorced so I completely understand what you're going through. But tell me right now what the most important thing is to you." She wipes a tear before solemnly stating "Dance." She then rolls her eyes as she adds "Noah." I smile at her.
"Your parents are less important than Noah?" I'm trying to be helpful, even if it creates bad consequences for TNS.
"Noah has always been there for me. Which is more than I can say about my parents. So I don't know. They're trying to make it right and I respect that but I don't know if I'm ready to leave here. Or this place. Or my house."
"Aren't they selling the house?" She nods, sadly.
"Yes. And that's why they want me to go with them. I don't know if I can do that though." Its time to push a little.
"Couldn't you move in with Noah? Or even me or Emily if that's what you want?" She smiles.
"I would love that. If I'm honest all I want is a place to feel like home. I know home is found in a person, but I want a legit place that is my home. You know?" I nod.
"Completely. I'm moving in with Emily because that's exactly what I want." She slightly chuckles.
"I guess I should move in with Noah then. Maybe get an apartment or something? If he wants it." She smiles thinking about it. Somehow I think it would be a good idea. Well, that and I know what Noah is planning.
"Of course he would want to live with you. Well, something tells me he would. Maybe it's because you two are special?" She blushes at that.
"I don't know. I've never considered myself special, Michelle. You know the problems I've had with my parents. You know the things I've been through. Noah choosing every single girl other than me to date. Why did it take him so long to realise? I wanted this relationship. I wanted a fairytale. And maybe it was him." Suddenly, it got real deep.
"I hear what you're saying Richelle, but just remember: Noah is your boyfriend now. Live in the present! Enjoy life."
"I'm going to move in with Noah!"

A/N: Early upload to say thank you for 500.

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