11- A proposal

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Noah's POV:

Lately Richelle has been acting up. She's hardly ever at my house anymore and I'm really worried I've done something wrong. I don't know how to help but I really want to and I'll stop at nothing to make her happy.

"Jacquie, so nice to see you. I'm happy you've moved on and I just want you to know that I am here for you. As a friend only though." She smiles.
"Me and you both Noah. Name it and I'll try and make it possible." I sigh.
"There is one thing you could do." She raises her eyebrows. "Be friends with Richelle. Let her know you're there for her." She laughs.
"I can try, but the girl doesn't really trust me. I'll try though. I promise."
"Thank you Jacquie."
That's a conversation I thought I had the upper hand in. If Jacquie knew how much Richelle meant to me-as a friend- I thought she would understand. It turns out I created another problem I didn't even know about.

Richelle had hinted that something went down before I arrived, but I never expected it to get this bad.
"Jacquie. Richelle. My office. Now." Emily says. I peer through the window as we're called to break. I can see over the top hand gestures and I know I have to find out what's going on. When Richelle runs out crying I assume, I have to run after her.

"I thought I might find you here." She sobs.
"Its crazy you know. How we've all grown up here. And most of J Troupe left. But I was left with you and somehow that was enough. Then all these doubts swirled through my mind and it was like she knew exactly what to say to break me." I hug her.
"Richelle you don't need to explain yourself. But you do need to communicate." She half-laughs.
"Says you. You think I don't know you tried to set Jacquie up on a friend date with me? You think I'm not that insecure about only having my boyfriend as a real friend? You think my life is easy?" It's then I remember about Richelle's parents' proposition.
"You're not still thinking of going with your parents, are you?" She cries.
"Maybe. Maybe it would be a better life for me." I reason with her.
"And maybe it wouldn't." She cries again.
"What do I do?" She asks. I wish I could give her the answer.
"Well first of all you're going to come over to my house for dinner. Then we'll take it from there."
"Thank you Noah. I'm so happy you understand what I'm going through." Truly I don't, but I'll pretend.

On my way to A Troupe, I bump into Piper who looks so happy and she's on the phone. I guess everyone is over me. Hopefully not my girlfriend though. Even if it seems that way to me at the minute.
Richelle has seemed like she needed comfort, but I've never known how to give it to her properly. So now I've figured out a way to always be near her when she needs me and not just by photograph. Richelle and I have decided to FaceTime every single night if we're not together, just to let her know that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I want to marry Richelle and until we say I do, I won't stop making her happy as long a she'll let me.

Maybe that's what we both need. A proposal. Maybe not an engagement. But a proposal. I need this to go well.

A/N: Is Noah losing Richelle? Who knows? Keep reading to find out.

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