6-Noah was right

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Richelle's POV:

What the hell did I just do? Did I just break up with Noah? No, Noah does not define me. He can't say I'm not allowed to leave just because he doesn't want me to. I make my own decisions. I choose my life.

I ring my dad to tell him the news when he doesn't answer. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore or who I belong to. So I do the only thing I can. I dance.
Forgetting about the glass on the floor, I kick my leg and realise what I've done as soon as my glass completely shatters. I'm bleeding of course, but I don't care. I just need my couch.

"Richelle. Richelle wake up." I hear a voice I would recognise anywhere. I instantly open my eyes. When I remember what we've just been through, I turn my face away. He knows.
"I know you've been crying. I also know that you're bleeding. So you're gonna get in my car and we're gonna go get this sorted." He carries me out and I simply lean into him.
"Thank you Noah." I managed to say.

"Yes. No. Yes, she's been close to anorexia before and I've seen her throw up on occasion. I don't think it's bulimia. The blood came from glass." Noah tells the doctor about my condition.
"No I didn't know that." Footsteps.
"Oh baby girl, what are we going to do with you?" For a second I think it's Noah, but then I realise. I haven't felt as much coldness and simultaneous love in a long time. I managed to open my eyes.
"Dad?" His face lights up. I just feel pale.
"Sweetie, we've been so worried about you. You've no idea." Noah was right. They don't care. The only reason they're taking pity on me right now is because I'm laid on a hospital bed, attached to a monstrosity of many wires and confused as hell as to what's going on.
"What happened?" I brush off the comment because I don't want to think about it.
"You passed out, Richelle. You were on a couch, bleeding out when I found you. You did wake up for approximately two minutes but you were out cold when I brought you here. It's been five hours." I widen my eyes out of shock. Five hours!
"We came as soon as we heard. We knew our baby would need us in this tough time." Noah bites his lip, but even I can't take it.
"I don't need you mum. Thank you for coming but I've been just fine here with my boyfriend Noah. And he's been helping me. I tried to defend you which is how I ended up in this mess." Noah looks at them then at me.
"We're still together?" I nod. He leans in before remembering and retracting.
"Noah you don't have to" I start when my mother cuts me off.
"Richelle wishes you would leave. And so do I." I cry.
"That's not what I said!" I shout but she looks at me as if I've lost my mind.
"Richelle wishes you would leave, actually. I'm sorry Richelle but your mum needs to know. We're fine here." For once, my mother actually listens and leaves.

"So baby, I've decided not to go on that tour with James. I've decided that your health is more important. I want you to stay with me if you don't have anywhere else to go when your parents leave. I love you baby."
I wake up from a small sleep when I feel my dads hand in mine.
"Honey, your mother has gone. But I'm still here." I sob.
"No, dad. Please don't convince me I'm wrong. I don't want to go with you. I want to stay here with Noah." He glances over but decides it isn't worth it.
"But sweetie, we've already sold the house. And we can't take you until you've finished your year long rehab." I throw my arms up.
"You're lying! You have to be." Noah chuckles.
"You think she'd believe that? The girl will be dancing again before you and your wife are even out of Canada."
"Think about coming with us Richelle. Please. For your own good." I fake a nod.
"I'm taking you out. I don't want to fight anymore so I'm taking you out to dinner." My dad says. It's been a week since I got discharged and my dad is still trying to take me with him. He says he won't leave until I do.
"Noah and I are supposed to be having dinner tonight. We're still working things out, remember." He frowns.
"Please remember that he's just a boy. We're family." I can't take it anymore.
"No. You've been gone for too long. You don't get to own that title. Noah has been more of a family to me than I've ever had. So go ahead, try to guilt trip me quite literally but I'm not a victim here. I am going to have dinner with Noah and I'm going to stay with him if you really have sold the house. You can't make me go and I refuse." He smiles.
"So it's settled then. Me and your mother are out of your life." I nod.
"I guess you are."
"Goodbye Richelle."

"Once he left, I cried. I can't believe I was so stupid. I mean I don't even have anywhere to live."
"Calm down, sweet Richelle, calm down. You can live with us. We're all happy to have you around." He pauses then smirks.
"But first-we're going to New York to watch Mean Girls on Broadway. Our flight leaves tomorrow at 2 o'clock. I've already checked with Emily and Michelle and we're free to go. So what do you say?"
"I say I love you! I can't believe you'd do all this for me. I love you! I love you! I love you!" I've never said that as much before but I'm so sure of it with Noah.

"Do you remember what I said to you in the hospital?" Noah asks as we approach the airport.
"That you love me?" I can't remember if it was a dream or real.
"No. I'm not going on that tour. I'm staying right here. You can live with us, as I mentioned because your health is more important to me than a great tour. You are important Richelle."

A/N: this is a bit of a long chapter but I think it's worth it.

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