26- The big reveal

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Emily's POV:
Too much drama. That's all I can say. I came back to TNS for a few nice days before my maternity leave and everything has broken. Michelle has no idea what to do, Noah and Richelle broke up, Piper finally admitting to liking Finn, all the drama surrounding the break up and my baby.
"Michelle. You've done so well. Just know that." I kiss her cheek. She looks like she could really use some love right now. Ever since West left to go to another tour, I took her advice. He doesn't have to be here to be a good father. He has been helping me, but I can tell that it's upsetting Michelle so I've asked him not to be involved so much. We don't call or text unless he's coming back to Canada. That is why I've come to speak to Michelle.
"Hey babe, just wanted to let you know that West isn't going to be so involved with the baby as he was before. He has several tours and I think the baby just needs someone who's always here to care for her. I want that to be you."
"Babe, I'd love to! Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Can I take you out for some kind of treat?" I nod.
"I'd like that." I don't tell Michelle that I know the gender of our baby because I think she would really love to be surprised. Well, that and there hasn't be a perfect opportunity yet.

I'm just finishing off some paper work before we go. I'm already changed into a nice dress and a cool blazer in case we are cold. I'm just waiting for Michelle. As she walks out, I become stunned. I truly can't believe how gorgeous my girlfriend is.
"Hey. Are you ready to go?" Michelle is in a baby pink dress. It reminds me of lyrical dance, but it flows further than a costume would.
"Yeah, I think so." I can't believe I'm actually about to do this. After this dinner- at least I assume it's a dinner- Michelle will know the gender of our baby. I just hope she's happy.

I'm excited about this. I've decided. I've been waiting my whole life to go on the perfect date and I think this might be it. With all the suspense, I try to make small talk.
"So how much drama has there really been in A Troupe?" She laughs.
"They're worse than we were. I mean Richelle and Noah even being near each other seems to be impossible now. And I heard Richelle told Noah that she chose Ozzy." Wow. We're such gossip girls. I've never noticed before.
"For what? Dating?" She giggles.
"I don't think so. I think for something else. Maybe dance." I feel like Michelle is hinting at something and I'm not getting it.

We arrive at TNS and I'm strangely conflicted.
"I just need to grab something from Studio A. I forgot it earlier." Why do I feel like this something is something to do with me? Maybe I'm just reading to much into it.
"Do you mind coming with me?" I take her hand as we stride the stairs together. We reach Studio A and when I walk through the door, the lights switch on. I don't remember either Michelle or I doing that. All of a sudden a chorus of surprises are launched at me.
"Emily! Welcome to your very own baby shower and romantic dance. Our carriage is booked for dinner at 8 but feel free to get snacks before then. TNS and A Troupe have arranged this dance for you. Time to get our boogie on!" That's so typical of Michelle. This is why I love her.
"Thank you." I say before kissing her. She deserves to know how much I truly love her.

I start to open the baby presents from all of TNS. There's many clothing items, even a TNS shirt in baby size. I love them all. I'm about to open Richelle's present when I notice something.
"Richelle?" I say as I look up to find a missing presence and a lonely Ozzy.
"Where's Richelle?" He sighs as he says he will go and get her. I wonder what that's about? Can't dwell on it though as I move on to opening Michelle's present to the baby. I open it to find a letter to both the baby and me and then a blanket.
"It's hand-knit. My Mom got a new hobby whilst she was in Wisconsin." I drape the blanket around my legs as I hug her. Just then Richelle comes back. I open her present. It's two different balloons packets and a glitter bomb balloon set. For when the baby arrives, apparently. I find that so thoughtful how Richelle wanted to do that for me. I move on to opening everyone else's presents.

After I've opened everyone's presents, I leave with Michelle to go to our meal. Riley has said she will take over and that she has restrained James from coming because of Piper. I do love how much Riley cares about Piper's happiness. Sometimes I wish she cared as much about mine.

It's time for the big reveal. A boy or a girl.

A/N: What gender do you think the baby is? Let me know!

Also double upload today as my new fanfiction All We'll Ever Be now has three chapters up! Make sure to check them out xx

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