13- Makes my heart happy

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Noah's POV:

Michelle and I are just in rehearsal by ourselves when she begins explaining how she's messed up. My whole proposal has been altered because I already know Richelle wants to move in with me. There's no maybe about it.

Yet it feels like there is.

Part of me doubts that Richelle will stay, that she was putting on an act for Michelle but I wish more than anything it was false. Richelle has to stay. I'd be lost without her. This has to work.

"Hey baby. How are you today?" She's smiling.
"I'm actually really good. I mean Christmas is coming up, my parents accepted that I'm not moving and my favourite person is right next to me." I act surprised.
"First of all, that's amazing that you're not moving! But it's weeks away until Christmas?" She shakes her head.
"So? It's November and I just found out that November 1st is the true beginning of Christmas." I laugh.
"You really do surprise me. How didn't you know that?" She starts blushing.
"My family didn't celebrate properly. I'd be alone, usually, and my parents wouldn't let me sing in the house. I'm not even bad. They were just worried someone would hear me and recruit me to a T.V program made for wannabe singers. I've no idea what they were thinking." Something tells me she won't be along on Christmas Day this year.
"Well, Richelle. This year will be your best Christmas yet."
"How do you know?"
"Because I hear you have the best boyfriend in the country."
"I do." She laughs as she hugs into me.

Emily and Michelle have been really great with our schedule lately, but I don't want to miss too many practises. Therefore, Richelle and I will be going to dinner after and I will announce what's happening back at her childhood home. I can't believe they're selling the house. Honestly, I'm surprised she hasn't brought it up yet.
We dance our duet as best as we can. Our chemistry has been thriving lately and I wouldn't want to ruin any of that. But I definitely know that moving in together won't. We've come through worse.
"Hey Jacquie. Nice seeing you here." I say as she comes in.
"Thanks. I'm looking for Ozzy. You seen him?"
"We've been dancing Jacquie, like you should be. Now where exactly were we?" Richelle says.
"No. We haven't, Sorry."
"Thanks anyway,Noah. Bye." She leaves us in peace and Richelle begins venting about how unfortunate it is that I take pity on her.
"It doesn't annoy me that she is trying to get to Ozzy, but he was the one who liked me when no one else did. Clearly she wants something to annoy me with. But it won't work. I promise."
"Calm down, babe. Ozzy probably still loves you. I know I would if I were him."
"Thanks Noah, but I'm not bothered. I have everything I want. Well, everyone."
"Why you so ranty then Richelle?" We laugh at each other.
"Because I know what it's going to cost the team when this phase ends for her."

We carry on dancing for another hour before group rehearsal. Then after group, we leave for dinner.
"Really Noah? Another dinner. You aren't trying to feed me like a baby are you?" We joke together a lot now. I really love seeing Richelle happy and knowing I'm the one that it's coming from makes my heart happy.
"Well I don't know. Have you been eating properly?" She knows I'm serious.
"Yes. I have been having a good meal twice a day and a breakfast bar in the morning." I smile at her.
"So moving on. Any team gossip?" I ask. Secretly, Richelle loves gossip and longs to be a show host discussing hot topics, rumour based of course.
"None that you don't know. But how cute are Emily and Michelle?" We sync into a routine right until we get food.
We're quiet whilst we eat but once we're done, nothing is stopping us.

Leaving the restaurant, I notice Richelle shivering. Instantly, I give her my jacket.
"It's okay." I say as she Thanks me. I guess it's just an expectation for guys. Maybe not now, but back when dates were real time-consumers, it would have been.
"Are you ready for dance? I mean I don't know if I am. It's all a bit traumatic if I'm honest." When Richelle agreed to do the 'Elliot' dance as we've nicknamed it, she never mentioned this. I have to push it out of her.
"Because reflecting on my relationship with Elliot frightens me. I know we'd never get to that stage but it was just so...so toxic." I comfort her.
"It's over now. And look we've made a good group out of it. What about the other dances?"
"I love them. I just don't want to let anyone down. What if my portrayal of my character is different to how other people see me?" So that's what she's afraid of.
"It's yours for a reason. Use your dance to say what you've been longing to say. But for now, I have another question." She punches me in excitement but I refuse to tell her until we're inside.

A gold envelope has been craftily placed in her mailbox and when she opens it, she will find the exact picture of us from our castle date. The whole inspiration behind our relationship.
"Noah? What's this?" She throws it on the floor.
"Why did you just throw that on the floor?"
"It could be a weapon. What, it happens?" I laugh at her.
"It's from me."

A/N: I am going to keep uploading on this daily schedule until the weekend, where I am taking a two day break from Wattpad. I just need some time and I feel like it will be good to see how much impact it has. I used to upload every couple of days and I'm just wondering if that's a better system.

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