22-How much she means to us

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Michelle's POV:

I want to do something special for Emily. She's been having sky-rocketing hormones with the pregnancy and I just want to remind her that she has me. I wanted it to be something for everyone though, as well as Emily. Obviously, I'll be taking Emily on a date night after, but right now we just have to focus on the 'dance' night we're having.

"Hey Noah, can you call a dance meeting please?" Having Noah as the dance captain creates no drama and everyone listens to him. With him being the oldest, it's like they respect him more.
"I just messaged. They'll be in Studio A in five minutes." We talk and walk.
"Look, Michelle, I'm worried about Richelle. She's opened her heart to me so much and I'm worried she's going to go backwards with this new situation we're in. I'm thinking about moving back to my parents house but I don't know how to tell her." He sighs. I feel so bad for him. They're so young, they have their lives to live. If I can help Noah, I will.
"When she gets back, bring her here and I'll ask her about it. I don't want to see either of you to get hurt."
"Thanks Michelle. So what's the meeting about?" We arrive at Studio A and I gesture with a happy face.
"Wait and see." I wink at him, jokingly.

"Okay everyone, so Michelle asked me to round you all up. I will be feeding any information forward to Richelle so go ahead Michelle." Noah's introduction seems so funny.
"Okay guys, so as everyone knows Emily is expecting a baby pretty soon, in fact she's at an appointment right now, but anyway. With all the drama of running a studio and her hormones etcetera etcetera, I thought we needed some time to show Emily how much she means to us. I've planned a romantic dance night and it's of course girls ask. I've chosen this because both Emily and I are girls and I believe it's fairer this way. So go invite whoever you want! Try not to create drama though. Thank you everyone!" Truthfully I chose girls ask guys for the sake of seeing who Jacquie chooses- I mean I'm hoping she stays away from everyone since her probation doesn't end until the end of next week.
"Jacquie, can I talk to you?" I overhear Ozzy say. I have to eavesdrop on this.
"I just wanted to let you know that if you ask anyone to the dance, don't make it Noah or Henry. They're both better off without you."
"So are you saying you want to go with me?" He sighs.
"Absolutely not. I think you should ask someone who wants no drama."
"After that response, I'm not going to listen to anything you say. I'm asking Noah and that's final." Oh boy. Noah is in for a treat.
"Explain that one to Richelle,Jacquie. Explain how you are so lonely that you're going to go after the one person she loves."
"I thought you loved Richelle?" She sounds genuinely interested.
"It doesn't mean she loves me." That makes me so sad. If only Ozzy had a better idea of how much Richelle cares about him. I might have to work my magic.

When I get home, Emily is laid on the couch and she looks as if she's been crying.
"Emily? What's going on?" She mumbles something but I have no idea what she says.
"Sit up, baby." She does as I ask and takes a deep breath before beginning.
"West wants to visit and I just don't have the heart to say no. But I don't want him to visit."
"Emily, it might be good to have him here. He is the father." She scrunches up her face to stop the tears.
"To me, you're the father. Not West, not any guy. You." I laugh a little.
"Em, I'm the second mother. I can't be a father."
"But you can be the one to..." I cut her off just in time.
"Okay...let's stop right there. Yes, I can, but right now you need to focus on that baby. Have you decided if you want to know the gender yet?"
"I think so."
"Yeah, me too." I'm complete. Emily may not be yet, but I will strive to make sure she is.

A/N: Okay so Michelle and Emily are finally thriving.

If you like my fanfics be sure to check out my other fanfics including Enough.

Bye for now.

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