17- That hurt

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Michelle's POV:

"I think I'm pregnant." She corrects herself.
"I know I'm pregnant." I'm silent for a second or two.
"Okay. We'll get through this together." Truly, I don't even know where to start. I never really expected to raise a baby, but I'll do it.
"You're not mad?" I smile.
"Honestly, I'm just happy you're okay. But I need you to tell me these things Emily. You can't just expect me to understand." I'm holding back most of what I want to say.
"Yes, I know. I was worried about losing you. You know who the father is, don't you?" I try to joke.
"Daniel?" She violently shakes her head.
"I'm kidding. It's West, right?" She meekly nods.
"Who cares? Me and you will raise that baby like it's solely ours."
"You're being really cool about this. Thank you." We share a sweet kiss and I let her go back to her papers as I do the same.

I don't really know how to feel about Emily being pregnant. The thing that bothers me the most is that no matter what happens, we can't share that intimate experience together. Well, we can but I don't know if it will be the same. I guess I'll have to accept it.
Or maybe we just need a special guest to visit.
It's harsh but if I can just get Emily to understand what she means to me then I'll be doing us all a favour. The problem is how I get the special guest to visit.

"I'm going to ring West and tell him. I thought he knew, but I'm going to double check." She says as she takes her phone elsewhere. I can't help following her and listening in.
"Hey. It's been a while." I hear him say on speaker.
"I'm just going to come out and say it." He interrupts her. How rude!
"If you're going to come out- don't worry. I already know about you and Michelle and I'm really happy for you." She laughs.
"Honestly I wish that's what I was telling you. No West. Um...I'm pregnant." I hear a sigh.
"With my child?" He questions as if she's been with anyone but him.
"Well it's not going to be Michelle's is it?" That hurt.
"Well what do you want us to do?" I leave the apartment in tears. As if I ever thought we could do this.

Emily and I need each other. But will it work romantically? Probably not. Who were we kidding? I'm running away right now because I can't face her. But I need to. So I run back to the place I came from.

She's no longer on the phone and she hugs me as if she knew how I felt.
"Michelle I'm so sorry." I can't let her begin.
"No. Emily, look I love you and your embrace but I just don't think now is our time." How I am doing this to a pregnant woman?
"It's fine. I'll just put the baby up for adoption." She states like it's no big deal.
"No. Emily you're not listening to me. I want to be with you more than anything. But I'm asking do you?" She looks angry now.
"Michelle, what is this really about?" Where to begin?
"It's about us! It's about how I wanted the experience to be special so I waited but clearly you didn't. It's about love. It's about everything!" I break down. I need Emily. I can't have her.
"Michelle, I'm here. Please talk to me. Please. I'm so sorry for what I did but I can't change that. I just need you to forgive me." I imagine Emily thinking to herself 'if she doesn't forgive me right now, I don't know what I'll do.' And that's all it takes for me to let go.

Now back to the studio where at least one of us belongs.

A/N: Sorry I forgot to update.

Anyone else ship Joe Sugg and Dianne Buswell? So happy for them!

Your Embrace (Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin