8-New York is the best

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Noah's POV:

New York is incredible! The people, the places, everything is incredible. It's an experience of a lifetime for me and I know it is for Richelle as well.
I mean I just love musicals and dancing in general and coming to watch Mean Girls with my person is priceless.
"Noah this is all so beautiful. I mean not all of it" she gestures at a guy doing God only knows what "But most of it is. Especially you." It's in that moment I decide that I have to marry this woman one day. I don't care what I have to do. I want to marry her.

After going to dinner in the city, we head back to our hotel room to just get comfy and mainly for Richelle to touch up on her appearance. She may seem fierce but I know she wants to look her best for Broadway. Even thought the girl could literally be in joggers and a baggy top and have her hair in a messy bun with a bare face and still look perfect. Either way, I know this means a lot to her.
"Noah I just want to say I love you again." I hug her. She's so emotional lately and I'm slightly worried but I'll just go along with it.
"I love you too, baby. I'll never leave you. I hope you know that."
"Always." She mumbles as she goes back to fixing her makeup.

"Are you ready babe?" I ask as we approach the theatre.
"Never been more ready. You know Elliot was once in a critically acclaimed musical?" She laughs, mocking her ex.
"Really? I never would've guessed." We joke. Even though it slightly annoys me that she brought him up, I don't let it show.
"This is incredible. I never thought I'd be here. You've made a dream come true Noah."
"Call me the dream maker." We laugh. I wish she would give me some kind of special name but I can't say that.
"How about I call you my baby?" I kiss her so passionately at that. She finally said it. It's just another step in our relationship.

"Mean Girls was my favourite. Maybe because I always fancied myself being a bit of a mean girl. I had not too many friends and I guess getting ahead was my way of saying I'm better." Richelle chats to two youngish-I'd say- friends she has befriended.
"Yes. Well we love musicals more than anything and seeing Broadway is obviously incredible for us."
"Ooh what accent is that?" She fangirls over the English accent.
"I'm so excited for it to start."

The interval approaches and I can't believe how lucky we are to be experiencing what we are.
"That was incredible!" She says to me.
"I'm so excited for the next act. I love you babe." Babe has replaced Noah and for me that's all I really care about.

The musical and stage door was amazing. I think that Richelle will remember this a long time after we've been here. Even if the worst of the worst happens and we split one day. How could I even say that? There's no way we're splitting up.
"New York is the best!" I exclaim as Richelle takes her heels off.
"Couldn't agree with you more." Now we have to work out the real problem. Whose got what side of the bed!
"Which side do you want?" She frowns and then points to the left side.
"I saw that beautiful. I saw that frown." She brushes it off.
"Tell me Richelle!" I can't help it. I need to know what I've done wrong.
"It's just- I thought we'd be- spending the night in each other's arms. You know like in those romantic movies." I nod.
"It isn't a problem. We don't have to," I pick her up and she squeals. I make sure to gently put her with just enough room left for me.
"Like this?" I whisper. And I kiss her. She continues to fight the urge until she finally gives in.
"Noah, it's my turn." She says and I could not be more excited.

We fall asleep just as Richelle wanted us to and I know neither of us could be happier.

A/N: So this is my New York section. I'm a big musicals fan myself and I wanted to put a little part of me in it. The youngish couple are based around Amy Lovatt and Lewis Snell, some of my favourite YouTubers.

And I have my college interview next week! So if you don't hear from me from next week for a while, just know I'm busy applying to colleges and doing interviews etc.

Thanks for reading.

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