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Richelle's POV:
Emily is finally back at the Next Step now. Only for a few more days before she fully leaves, but I'm helping her through it. I live opposite them and I have a spare room for any extra space Michelle and her need. Noah moving out was probably the best idea, though I'd never admit it to him.

Speaking of Noah, we're officially broken up. He found out I wanted to go with Ozzy to the dance and he's mad. He knows how much it means to Ozzy to do this, but he's still bitter about everything that happened between us. I can't blame him.
I tried to be open. I tried to use my emotions, but I just couldn't keep it up. It was bound to catch up to me. I mean Elliot basically cheated on me, Noah can't be with me for whatever reason life wants to throw at us and I'm just a mess. Who would want this? Other than Ozzy, who is irrelevant.
"Ozzy, please. You know how much I love Richelle and you're taking her away from me." Overhearing Noah really changes my perspective of who I am. I need to be my own person. I need to do this.
"You're wrong." I state as I make my presence clear.
"I chose Ozzy, Noah. You and me, we're on a break. So why can't I go with Ozzy to some little dance? Why can't I take him dancing and make all his childhood dreams happen? Why should I listen to my ex?" Ozzy looks stunned. Good.
"Richelle! I didn't mean,"
"I don't care what you meant. You pretty much said you think that just because you care for me that you own me. You think that you can make Ozzy object to coming with me. Absolutely not."
"Just let me talk!" He pleads.
"Ozzy, look I want to go to the dance with you. Don't let Noah talk you out of it." I leave.

Noah follows me out and I can't look back. I've said what I need to and I'm certainly not ready to listen.
"I love you." He shouts. I can't be having him telling me he loves me in this state.
"Let me just explain." I carry on walking.
"I still love you." Okay, now I feel the need to explain.
"Look Noah, I still love you too, but I can't be with you right now. I'm still adjusting. Just let me adjust."
"I wish I never moved out." I stand still. He can't be serious. Now I have no idea what to do. My Mum doesn't approve and she lives in that apartment now, but Noah funded it at first. Technically it is his apartment. Maybe I should think about that.

"Richelle. I just wanted to say I would love to accept your invite, if only you definitely want me to go and not Noah."
"Noah and I aren't together."
"Neither are we."
"Yes, but Ozzy, I just want you to experience something you have been wanting for years. I just want you to be happy."
"And I want you to be happy. If being with Noah makes you happier then go with him."
"I want to be with you right now. Just let me please Oz."
"Don't regret it."

Talking with Ozzy really cleated my mind. I do want to be with Noah. Just not right now. I do want to go to the dance with Ozzy. But another part of me wishes it was Noah. That's a smaller part of me though because I feel like nothing we do is ever original now. Maybe this is a way to change that.

I heard that Noah's still mad at me for earlier, but I'm past caring. If he wants to love me then he can, but I'm unprepared right now. I just want a fun night with Ozzy. That's all. Is that so much to ask for?
"I took your advice." Piper laughs.
"I know. Noah told me." Well, clearly I didn't need to tell her then.
"Is he like really mad?" I do still care for Noah. I've accepted that now.
"He's...okay. He's been better."
"How better?"
"Well, for one: I heard Jacquie asked him to the dance."
"Wish me luck."

I'm approaching Noah and Jacquie because I want them to know that she's just a rebound. Noah literally told me he loves me. If only I hadn't have broken up with him. I'm so stupid.

A/N: It's getting confusing in Richelle's mind!

My fanfiction All We'll Ever Be premieres At 4 o'clock tonight so make sure to read it and vote for it.
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