24-The end of you

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Piper's POV:

Things have been tense at The Next Step lately. Ever since Richelle and Noah unofficially broke up, everyone has been on edge. They're supposed to be the 'it' couple of the studio and now I feel like someone needs to fill in. So I approach Finn. The only reason I want to take Finn to this dance- other than the fact that he has been there for me since we met- is because I feel the need to fill in for Noah and Richelle. They have their stuff to deal with and we all have our own.

"Hey Finn." He smiles as I get to him.
"Hey Pipes, something you wanted?" He waves as someone comes in behind him.
"Kenzie?" I question, mainly to myself.
"Oh yeah, me and Kenz are planning on going to the dance together." I sigh. Guess I missed my chance.
"Oh I hope you guys have fun. I was actually wondering, have you seen Emily or Michelle?" I stall to make it work.
"Last time I saw Emily, she was in the office."
"I'll go there then." I say as I leave, though no one cares.
As I'm leaving, I overhear Kenzie saying something to Finn.
"So I was hoping to go with Kingston and I just found out no one asked him yet. I was holding off for you and Piper. You little scheme seems to be working." Okay now I'm annoyed.
"Yeah well I don't even want to go to this dance." Finn shouts, obviously realising I've heard.
I run out.

"Piper. Piper wait." I hear Finn shouting. I turn around.
"Just when I thought-just when I thought you and I-you and I had something. I was even considering asking you to the dance." I can't tell if I'm angry or upset.
"No Piper. Kenzie did really ask me, but I told her I wanted to go with you. That's what just happened."
"So why did she call it a scheme?" I'm angry. I'm definitely angry.
"Because she's Kenzie. Why else?" I can't believe he can be so dumb sometimes.
"Well okay. If that is all, then Finn..." He smiles.
"Will you?"
"Will you go to the dance with me?"
"Yes." I'm excited for the dance now.

I need to talk to Richelle now. After everything her and Noah have been through, I think she just needs someone to speak to.
"Hey Richelle, how are you doing?" She looks at me as if I'm supposed to know.
"I've been better." She sighs as I offer a seat.
"Everything got so complicated with Noah. I think I just wanted everything to be perfect and it wasn't like that at all. I still don't feel good enough." She hits her head on the table.
"You have always been so strong. You and Noah both have. So if you just need some time, then take some time. This doesn't have to be the end of you." I hope my words really sink in to Richelle.
"You know, Piper. You're right. It doesn't have to be the end of Noah and I. It just has to be now. How I feel now." I smile, knowing that Richelle has listened.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Richelle asks. I nod.
"I wish I never went to Paris and found my Mum. I wish I had stayed here with Noah. That way we'd still be living together and I wouldn't be in this mess. I can't say I'm not angry about it." I never expected to hear Richelle openly admit that she thinks she's wrong.
"I think you just need to speak to both Noah and your mum." She smiles then frowns.
"But not before the dance. I'm thinking it's time I create a dream come true. Ozzy hasn't been asked yet, has he?" I love this. I shouldn't, but I do.

She chats away as I delve into my own mind. Ozzy will be so happy that Richelle is asking him to the dance. He's been wanting this ever since we made A Troupe together. Even though Ozzy seems the same age as Noah sometimes, he is the youngest member of A Troupe. Well, apart from me. We both are.
"Piper, I just looked all around the building for you." Richelle leaves as Finn comes up to us.
"I've been here." I hear a small laugh from Richelle as she heads upstairs to Studio A.
"I was wondering what kind of tux I should buy."
"A black one. I thought guys always wore black?" I honestly don't know what I want to wear so giving Finn this gives me a lot of time to think. Do I even want to wear a dress? I mean if I wear a tux again, I'll just be predictable. So what should I wear?

A/N: Cheeky little Piper's POV there. So here's a few announcements:
1. I wanted Ozzy to have his moment with Richelle so unfortunately Richelle and Noah won't be together for a while...who knows how long for? Maybe not until the end of the book? Maybe not even then?
I'm totally kidding.

Or am I?

2. My fanfiction Enough is out now. It's been receiving a little amount of support and I'm so grateful to those of you that have taken the time to read and review it. Thank you!

3. Big announcement: I just finished my 'All We'll Ever Be' fanfiction and I'm proud to say that I'm going to premiere it tomorrow...1 chapter to begin with then on New Year's Eve, I'm going to upload the whole thing!

Thank you again, well done if you read the whole thing! Byeeee!

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