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Emily's POV:

I'm not upset because I'm not proud of who I am. I'm upset because it's being used against me. I don't want Richelle to think that I'm not proud.
"Richelle just so you know, I'm not crying about what happened. I love Michelle and I don't care who knows. I just care when it's being used against me."
"I'll protect you. I might need to speak with Michelle now though because she was raging at Elliot and Jacquie the last time I saw her."
"No, that's okay. I'll do it. After all she is my girlfriend. And my forever." I wink.

As I approach Michelle, I've truly no idea what I should say to her. How do I reason for my sudden outburst? I've never been this way before. It's all so new.
"Michelle." I say as I knock on the door.
"Hey, are you okay?" She embraces me in a prolonged hug.
"I want you to know that I'm completely fine. I really really like you and I don't want to freak you by saying I love you but I do."
"Okay." She doesn't say it back straight away and I can't blame her.
"But I just wasn't expecting Elliot and with my emotions running high at the minute, it got to me."
"I do love you Em, but your emotions are all over the place. What's going on?" I can't tell her. She'd never forgive me. The relationship would be over before it had even began.
"I can't tell you here. I don't feel like I can tell you at all actually. I'm scared babe." Hearing she loves me does give me courage, but I can't even begin to express my remorse.
"You can tell me anything. I'm never going to leave you. I love you." That's the hardest part. I know she means it.
"So what is it?" I turn around.
"Can I tell you at home? I think it would be safer." I sigh. I don't want anyone at the studio finding out.

When we get home, I do everything I can to avoid the inevitable conversation. I go to the shop, I mark off some papers I needed to fill out for the studio and overall, I just avoid Michelle.
"Emily!" She calls. Here goes everything.
"Yes?" I shout back.
"Come through here please." To my surprise, I find a bouquet in front of me.
"Whats this?" She laughs.
"It's from Daniel. He's addressed it to Emily and baby?"
"It says congratulations on moving into your new apartment. I'm sure they'll be a great addition to your growing family." The big secrets out.
"What does that even mean?" Michelle asks. I thought it was obvious.
"It means...that you're my baby...and you're a great addition?" I'm stumbling here. I told Daniel, but damn I forgot to mention that Michelle doesn't know yet.
"I don't believe you." She says.
"What? Why?" As if it isn't obvious.
"Because you're stumbling. You only do that when you're investigating or trying to hide something. So what is it?" I smile.
"I think you'd better sit down."
"Well, what is it?"

A/N: So Michelle is about to find out what's really going on with Emily. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you all for the support.

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