10-Hit me with it

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Richelle's POV:

Coming back from New York is a little bit bittersweet for me. As much as I loved New York, this is my home. I can't change that.
"Hey Richelle, did you have a nice time in New York?" I smile at Henry. He's so sweet for asking.
"I did thanks. How's things with you?" He sighs.
"I miss Amy a lot, but Summer is great and all." I missed a lot.
"Why? Where's Amy?" He shrugs.
"She left. Something about needing an opportunity to shine in the spotlight. Summer helped me through it though and we're on good terms." I giggle as Noah comes up and bro-hugs Henry.
"Missed you man." He says. He chuckles.
"Yeah. I know, I have that effect on people." Summer comes and joins us.
"Oh hey guys. Didn't know you were back." We smile as we all begin rambling at each other.
"So where's Jacquie?" They look at us before sighing.
"She's got a lot on her hands. Her sister joined A Troupe. And she's decided that Ozzy is her new project. Whatever that means." Summer informs us. As long as she isn't all over Noah, she can do what she likes.

"Michelle! Emily! Missed you girls!" I say as they hug me on my way in. I guess I have really changed.
"We had the best time in New York! Mean girls is just incredible and I generally can't believe how overwhelming it all is." They smile at me.
"Well, we're glad you had an amazing time but we actually have some news too."
"Ooh did I miss something?" They laugh.
"Not exactly. None of A Troupe know. And yes you can tell Noah as long as you don't tell any of the others yet." This must be serious.
"Hit me with it." I say.
"Emily and I..."
"We're together!" I look at them both.
"Romantically." I point to her hand.
"Is that a ring?"
"A promise ring! We're not that far yet. Please don't say anything yet. We aren't ready for A Troupe to know. Piper can and Noah can, but the others might not be able to handle this change yet."

As I wander off, I think about why Piper would be trusted with this information. And then I remember that Emily's sister is dating her brother and it makes sense.
"Hey Piper. How's things going?" She smiles.
"Wonderful actually. I met someone and I've really bonded with them." I don't push for details. If Piper wants to tell me then she will.
"Have you seen Jacquie by the way? She seems to be in a good place over the whole you and Noah thing. I think now would be a good time to talk maybe." I laugh.
"No. Absolutely not. She tried to take my place once. Who says she won't do it again?" Piper smiles and I can honestly say I've never been more confused.
"Noah loves you. I mean he took you to New York Richelle! When are you going to start believing that good things can last forever?" I glance down.
"It's easier for you, Piper. You've never had an experience like I have. Your parents don't neglect you. Your boyfriend has never turned out to be a psycho-Elliot, not Noah, and overall we just live very different lives."
"You're not alone anymore. I can't help with your parental situation, but I know Noah won't leave you at any cost." We don't mention the time where Piper kissed Noah, but I know what she means.

Michelle and Emily come into Studio A with Noah. He's beaming at me so I guess he knows. Michelle announces that Jacquie has requested to perform a duet with Ozzy and Davis- her sister- has requested to have a welcome party. Well, actually a party in general. It's more of like a school dance, mainly because of the date part. I wince. I'm not really into having to dress up for a dumb dance but I will for Noah.

Noah comes over to my house after dance practice and I confide in him about all the doubts I've been having. I would love to be a part of the team, but I feel like I could only do that if I gave into tolerating everyone on the team. I guess I have really changed.
No one used to expect this from me. Yet now I have a boyfriend and suddenly things have changed. I'm not taking this.

A/N: Here it is. Richelle is starting to have some doubts maybe...
Who knows?

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