Part 2

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In the car Mehak turned and look at the window and refuse to see Shaurya. He try to hold her hand she pulled away. Then tickled her she rolled her eye and warned him don't try anything or else she will start hitting him hard. Shaurya turned on the radio and Samjhawan song played and Shaurya becomes happy and smiling. Mehak turned and looked at him and change the song. Again another their favorite song played Hawayein Hawayein. Mehak off the radio and turned and looked at the window.

Shaurya driving and Mehak asked where are we going this is not to home. Shaurya replied not home we are going for date. I will bring you for shopping then we go for dinner. Mehak said I am not coming anywhere with you. Not necessary for shopping too. Shaurya insist since your mobile is spoilt I will get you a new one. Mehak adamantly replied I won't take it. Both arguing in the car. Shaurya stopped the car on the roadside ask what's her problem. He already apologized to her and she is behaving like 5 years old child and drives him nuts. Mehak replied if I am 5 years old child you are 9 years old bearded, rude, ego child. Mehak gets out of the car and try to walk away from Shaurya who is following her and try to cross the road. She didn't pay attention on the coming vehicle and Shaurya saw a truck coming in high speed and screamed Mehak, Mehak turned and freezed.

He quickly rushed and manage to pull her away on time. Shaurya scolded her for behaving like stupid and what if anything happen to her. Mehak is still in shocked from the incident. They went back home, Mehak greeted Karuna ma and Dolly maasi. Both asked how she feels and Mehak said she is good. Vicky came and asked how bhabhi is doing. She said well and went to join them to have dinner and freshen up herself.

Shaurya sat at the balcony with his laptop and busy with his work. Mehak lie on the bed and in a short she fell asleep. Shaurya was still busy with his business proposals and heard some noise. He came into the room and saw Mehak waked up from her sleep and looking pale and sweating. Shaurya kneels down at her and ask if she is alright. Mehak can't answer as she is still shaken. Shaurya rushed to get some water for her and made her drink water and keep patting her and say don't worry I am here. Don't think of anything. Mehak clutch his fingers and hold it tight. Shaurya sat on the bed and put her on his lap and patting her and she fell asleep. He look at her and hours passes.

Shaurya dozed off while sitting on bed and Mehak still sleeping on his lap. He adjusted her to a pillow and stretch himself. He close the curtain so the sunshine doesn't disturb Mehak's sleep.

After freshen up he went downstairs and greeted his mom and Dolly maasi. They asked where is Mehak usually she is up very early. He told what happen yesterday and maybe she had nightmare due to the incident. So she still sleeping. Karuna ma advised Shaurya. Son after all happen in your life she is still there with you and walking with you. If there is another girl she would have walked away from you and most probably sued you in the court for compensation for all the wrong doings you did. I know my son respects women and you love Mehak more than anything but without realizing you tend to hurt her feelings. Don't break that poor girl's feelings. Now she only have you and you are her world. Shaurya promised to be a good hubby and responsible son. He went back to his room and saw Mehak still sleeping. He drinking his milk shake and reading the newspaper. He saw a notebook on the bedside table and take it and open it. He saw Mehak's creative writing on Dowry, how a girl should be treated in a family. As he smile reading her poems, he turn the next page and saw she wrote on Khadoos kumar. She define his character during India Super Cook (ISC) as, rude, egoistic, inhumane, stupid etc. It reminded him how they share their moments in ISC how he use to irritate her all the time. In the next page she wrote about Kareila King. Online friend but have so much is familiarity, they like food, they like to discuss things, and he helped Mehak to overcome her problems and a good listener. He smiled and put the book back. Mehak slowly gets up. She smiling in sleep waking up. She saw the clock. She rubbed her eyes and saw in disbelief that the time is 9.30am, she uttered O Teri. Sleeping till 9.30am at in laws I am dead. She rolled from the bed and fell on the floor and run to the bathroom. Shaurya saw her and laughing.

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