Part 10

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Karuna maa and Dolly maasi informed Mehak that they have been invited to one of their relatives function and they will be away for 2-3 days. She ask Mehak to take care of herself and Shaurya. She told Awara wants to go home so is it okay she can manage on her own. Mehak assured her she will handle all on her own. Mehak helped Karuna maa and Dolly maasi to pack and send them off.

Shaurya decided to stay at home, Mehak received call from White chilies, she informed Shaurya, and he was busy on his laptop. She took leave and went to her scooty. Shaurya turned OFF his laptop and came after her and said he will follow her too, as it's been long time didn't go out of house. Mehak said she is going in her scooty, the driver are out with Karuna maa. He said is okay I will come with your scooty, Mehak offered him helmet and both went together.

As they are on the way, Shaurya keep tickling Mehak and she asked him to behave this is road and people all are watching and how she can't concentrate and meet accident? He said I am enjoying my ride with my beautiful wife. So now on the road must do some naughty things. Some passerby look at their antics. Mehak telling him people are watching if someone takes pictures and upload in social media saying rich young dashing hot Shaurya Khanna going in scooty don't blame me. He told Mehak to learn driving as it will be helpful for her and he will get her a car, he offered himself to teach her driving too. Mehak said she will learn but he cannot do this type naughty stuff. He didn't bother about it.

They reached White chilies and Mehak checked with the manager on the matter and she said the new menu that Mehak suggested, chef tried few times but the consistency is too watery. Mehak said it's okay and they went to kitchen and start to prepare the dish together. Shaurya going through the accounts and some reports and making some remarks to Vicky. They had lunch at White chilies and Mehak's task completed so she asked Shaurya he wants to go home or not as it is almost 6.30pm. He ask her to go first as he still needs to settle something he will come back with Vicky, she left to Khanna mansion.

She reached home, only the security at main door was in, no one at home. She went in and head to her room. She went to freshen herself and came downstairs. She felt strange as the huge bungalow feel eerie when no one is there. She went to the lawn and sat there enjoying the evening. Suddenly thunder and lightning jolted and rain started to shower on her. Mehak played in the rain for a while but it was interrupted when thunder roared at her. She run inside house. She sat at the couch and decided to wait for Shaurya to come. As Mehak waited for Shaurya to return she fell asleep. She woke up and saw it was pitch dark rain still pouring heavily, she look around and wonder what time is it now. She looks around for the switch and tried to turn ON but none lit the house, she understand power cut or power tripped due to lightning. She took her mobile and wants to call Shaurya to check where he is? But the call didn't went thorough. She walks around and talks to herself, this house is so huge but it is so scary when no one at home now.

She search for torch light. But none available. She walked in the dark praying to matarani, it's like booth bungalow suddenly she saw a silhouette passing her. She didn't see it, then suddenly she saw a shadow a man with jacket and he is holding long stick. She got afraid and start screaming and asking who is that, she look for her mobile, it was dead as out of battery. She accidently knocked her legs on the furniture and her toes injured and start to bleed. She ran out and manage to open the door to the lawn attach to the hall and she run in the rain. She fell tripped by a rock and fainted at the garden. The shadow followed her and looking for her at the lawn. It went to look around for her and found her lying unconscious at the lawn. The shadow is none other than Shaurya.

He took her into his lap and calling her name but no response. He carried her into the house and tried to wake her up. He felt so guilty to pull such a bad prank on her, he thought she will be afraid then he will show himself but never thought she will run in the rain and fainted. He carried her to the room, she is wet and mud all over her. He remove his hoodie and his jacket. He notice that he off the main electricity power just now, but he can't leave her alone like this. He took out a clean towel and her nightie. He keeps waking her up and remove her wet clothes and wiped her with the clean towel, he quickly wear for her the nightie and continue to rub her sole and her palms, he notice she injured her toes as the wound was still fresh, he cleaned the wound and applied band aid. He quickly grab his mobile and call for doctor, but the doctor was away of town and since it's raining heavily at this hour no one will do house call. The doctor suggested him to do some in home treatments as she get unconscious due to fear and drenched in rain. Shaurya changed his wet clothes and sat next to Mehak and keep trying to wake her. He apologized to her as he just wanted to play jokes on her as its Halloween day, I didn't know like this will happen. I am sorry baby please talk to me, beat me scold me but your silence is so scary.

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