Part 13

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Mehak took cab and reached the mall. She sent a text message to Shaurya that she has reached and he replied will be there in 20minutes. She smiled after reading his reply and walks around the mall checking the stores. She was checking what she can get for Sonal as birthday gift. As she was walking around, there was a sudden commotion in the mall. All visitors start running like mad and heard gunshot sound, Mehak gets panic and she can't think of anything. Suddenly a man with ski mask held her by her neck and pointed the gun on her head. He shot in the air twice and ask the guards to stay away. Mehak was shocked and cried asking him to let go of her, he shouted at her asked her to be quiet or else the next shot will be on her brain. Mehak quieten herself but the tears falling like rain. Shaurya reached shopping mall and was parking his car. The mall guards don't let anyone to enter into the mall, he asked why can't enter. The guard explain there is armed robber in the mall and he is taken a girl into hostage. He is having gun and police will be coming in soon too. Shaurya gets panic hearing it and try to call Mehak's mobile. It was ringing but no reply. His heart gets heavier and insist to go in but guards don't let him as its dangerous, he give a stern look and his finger pointing to the guard and push the guards away and enter the mall. He runs inside calling Mehak's mobile. Frustrated as no reply and he move towards where the crowd is standing he push them all away and police made a barricade. They try to negotiate with the robber and to let go the girl but he tighten his grip even harder, Mehak choked and praying deep in her heart, matarani and Waheguru what kind of test is this? Please save me, she closed her eyes and wished Shaurya is arrived soon.

Shaurya came to the front and was horrified to see it was Mehak was captured as hostage. He screamed Mehak and trying to reach her, Mehak opened her eyes and saw Shaurya and try to reach him the robber held her away and ask him to stay away or else he will trigger the gun. Shaurya asked the police to do something as his wife's life is in danger. Police ask him to be patience as they have been trying to negotiate to him and nothing will happen to his wife. Shaurya became impatient hearing their explanation. He told himself my Mehak needs me, he pushed the police away and went in front of the robber. The robber asked him to back off or else he will trigger the gun and this girl's life will be gone. Mehak asked him to save her. He told the robber if anything happen to my Mehak you will have to go through hell with me. The robber pushed Mehak away. She fell and hit her forehead on the metal bar. Shaurya quickly grabbed the gun from the robber throw it away and manage to trap him, he had a scuffle with him then the police manage to get hold of the robber. Shaurya look for Mehak and saw her lying unconsciously. He rushed to her side. Lifted her put her on his lap. He tap her cheeks calling her name. A passerby offered water, he took that and sprinkle some on her face, she regain conscious but her head aches due to the impact. She hugged Shaurya tightly and cried in his chest. He consoled her and shushed her to calm her down, telling that she is fine now he is here with her and nothing will happen as he is here just next to her. He took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood from her forehead. Just then the paramedic team arrived the scene. He lifted her in his arms to them to check on her, they checked her heart rate and did the dressing to the wound. He asked if she is alright or he will bring her to hospital right away. They assured she will be fine just trauma attack. If you need further assurance you may head to hospital but they will advise the same. Shaurya thanked the paramedic team and he was still holding Mehak into his lap, he gets up gently lifting her in his arms. He heads to his car with her, she was hiding her face on his chest. He open the car door and make her to sit and adjusted her seat to reclined position. She said she feeling cold, he took out his jacket and covered her. He rushed to his seat and start the car ignition and drove back home. Throughout the way he kept caress her hair. He dipped his head and kissed the crown of her head.

They reached home, he carried her into the house, Karuna maa came and Dolly maasi following her. They asked what happen and her forehead why got bandage? He told he will explain later and he heads to the room, he put her on the bed. Removing her footwear. Mehak told him she wants to go to washroom, he aided her to walk to washroom she went in and relieve herself and freshen up. In between Shaurya went downstairs ask Awara to prepare some soup and roti quickly and send it up to the room. He went back to the room and saw Mehak coming out of bathroom in her beige kurta. She sat at the bed corner. Shaurya kneel down at her holding her waist Mehak hugged him and said I was so scared Shaurya. My heart stopped beating. He rubbed her gently on her back and said sorry Mehak I couldn't protect you like I promised you. His voice trembled Mehak break the hug and look at him, his eyes welled with tears. She kiss on his eyes lids and assured him she is fine now, just little bit pain on the forehead and the neck, he checked on the neck. They were the mark due to strangulation, he rub his thumb on her she winces in pain. Just then Awara came in and knock the room door. Shaurya get the food tray from him and start to feed Mehak slowly. She shake her head as she have no appetite he ask her to eat and must rest. Mehak took the spoon from his hand and feed him too. He said she must eat first. He made sure she empty the bowl of soup and roti. He wipe her mouth and give water and ask her to rest first he will be back. He went to freshen up himself and took the phone to balcony, He called someone. It was police commissioner, he relayed to him about the incident to him and stressed it out to him that the convict must be severely penalized because he have hurt his wife. The police commissioner assured him all will be taken care properly and he don't need to worry about anything. He came back to the room and Mehak asked who he was talking to. He said nothing just some normal calls he needs to answer. Mehak lifted her arms gesturing asking him to hug her. He came in joining her in the bed. He sat at the bed and Mehak rest her head on his chest. He pulled her closer and holding her securely. She snuggled more on him. She was asking him why you came in front when the robber threaten to shoot. How if he suddenly shoot at you? What will happen to me? He tilted her head and looked at her attentively how if that guy triggered the gun on you, what will I do without you? Do you think I have guts to think my life without you? Now don't argue lets sleep. He lie down on the pillow and Mehak followed him and lie on his chest. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep but the incident still fresh in her mind and being restless and Shaurya asked why not sleeping. Mehak lifts her head and look at him. He looked at her and asked why what happen any pain she want to go to doctor or not. She shook her head off just not sleepy. He asked do you want to eat anything. She asked how about ice cream he smiled at her and said lets go to kitchen. Both went down quietly and Shaurya checked the fridge for ice cream and took out a pint of ice cream. He lifted Mehak gently and place her on the counter top and gets a spoon and start to feed her. Both giggling and feeding each other. Mehak told Shaurya when she was at her house she will do kulfi with lots of dry fruits and nuts. All will be having fun. Shaurya hearing it also start to burst into laughter. Mehak confused and asked why are you laughing, what happen? Shaurya continues my nanz were staying last time here with me, she used to sneak into kitchen and have her sweet stuffs at midnight and ask Awara to do Indian sweets and have it secretly. I always caught her and discard them away. So many times she will always say that you will get typical Indian biwi, who will do all the Indian sweet like kulfi with lots of dry fruits and feed you and ruin your fitness plan. That's why I am laughing. Like she said I got you my sweet fat cute mental wife. Ruining my fitness idea. Mehak pulled his nose and said you saying me fat? He went closer to her and said just because you are my sweet wife I can't lie. She tried to push him away. He pulled her closer to him and enveloped her with a hug. Both laughing at kitchen, he kissed her on her temple. They off the kitchen light and was about to leave kitchen and saw Vicky coming to kitchen, both hide and quietly sneaked back to their room. Mehak lying next to Shaurya and kissed on his cheek and say good night and slept. Both slept like baby till late morning. Shaurya waked up and adjusted Mehak to a pillow and went for his morning sprint. Mehak wakes up after sometime and went to bath, she came out from bathroom. Fixing her earrings. Shaurya came into room and greeted her good morning and asked she is up early today. She replied him we are supposed to get gifts for Sonal but yesterday couldn't get it so we have to go today to get it. Shaurya's rested his hands on his waist and looked at her in disapproval, yesterday got injured and the bandage is also still haven't change yet but want to go shopping. No way today you are staying at home and resting at home. Mehak's smile disappeared and showed her puppy face with her pout. Shaurya looked at her and melted at her cute antics. He said okay jaan, first we settle some work and I bring you shopping now don't show that sad face early morning. Mehak became happy and said thank you asked him get ready quickly and we will go. He pulled Mehak closer and ask her for morning kiss. She asked him to shower first don't hug her when he is sweating like this. He asked just one on the lips, she kiss on his cheek and run away. Mehak head to the hall where by Karuna maa and Dolly maasi chit chatting there. Vicky joins them too. They both asked how is she feeling now and what happen yesterday. Mehak with full action acted out yesterday's incident. Dolly maasi and Karuna maa's eyes open in bewilderment hearing the action. Then she continued it's like action movie and Shaurya enters like super hero and saved me from the robber, He beaten up the robber so much till the police need to pull him out. Shaurya smiling as he coming down the stairs hearing her dramatic voice. Awara came and informed breakfast is ready. All headed the dining area. All were sitting getting to eat. Karuna maa said Shaurya today you better feed your wife as she injured. Mehak protest she is only injured on the head and she can eat on her own. Karuna maa since you are not well your super hero will take care of you and now you just be quiet and eat. Shaurya delighted with her suggestion He gets some food on his plate and start to feed Mehak. He feed her lovingly. They complete their meal and left for their daily routine.

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