Part 65

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The next morning all the family gathered at dining table wished Shaurya and Mehak for the last night success for White Chilies winning. Harish papa commended Shaurya's move by making Mehak to receive the award and made all proud. Karuna maa asked Mehak did she talked to her family, Mehak said yes maa , chachi called in the morning after seeing the newspaper I will go and visit them another day. Now after this success I can't sit quietly at all, we must work even harder to maintain the title and set a good example to all, she said proudly as Shaurya looks on.

After breakfast both Mehak and Shaurya left to White Chilies, Shaurya on the way held Mehak's right palm and he kissed the knuckles as he looked at the road. She shakes her head and asked Shaurya what you are doing, concentrate on the road. She tried to pull her hand away but his grip was strong and he give a glare which made her to stop immediately. They reached White Chilies and walked inside together with the Certificate frame and trophy. White Chilies was filled with many congratulatory flower stands and baskets from all business partners, investors and friends of Shaurya and Mehak. Mehak was astounded to see so many of gifts from well-wishers, she was also swarmed by her staff and team members to pass flower bouquets. Mehak showed them the certificate frames and trophy as she thanked all of their hard work and team work is the main reason for this winning. The head chef replied mam is all because of your motivation and you always been very supportive to us. You treated us all as a family that's why, Priya second him. Mehak denied is nothing she did unusual but it's all of their hard work this was possible. Later Mehak asked them to go and continue their work as now onwards they need to work even extra hard compare to previous as customers will be coming here with the expectation as we are the number one best service, best food and best hospitality restaurant in Delhi. All went back to their spot and continued their work. Shaurya who was there, completely amazed how Mehak has changed from shy, naive and docile girl he knows to a well matured, corporate mind and multitasking woman. He admiration towards her increased day by day as he placed his palm behind her waist, he guided her to their office room.

In the room, Mehak placed the frame and trophy in a display rack along with Shaurya's other awards. Shaurya pulled her and made her to sit on his seat and she looked at him in bewilderment, he grin as in lopsided and said from now on you sit here and monitor. You are their boss now he justified. Mehak quickly gets up and hold Shaurya at his shoulder and made him to sit down. She told that no matter what he is the boss here and he will manage all. She will help him on everything needed. She need to concentrate on her YouTube channel, creating more new recipes and she also planning to do a spice garden at home, so she want to do them all. He propped his chin on his palm and looked at her as she explain her views, he swiftly pulls her to his lap and her hands rested at his chest. She tried to gets up from his lap and saying Shaurya this is restaurant and anyone will come, behave yourself. He held her tightly not letting her to go away easily, he smiled mischievously asking her you haven't give me today's sweet yet. She rolled her eyes and said yesterday night you had enough now you get nothing from me she hit his chest. He traced her jawline with his nose tip and said in husky voice I can't get enough of you Mehak. Yesterday it was you who wear that night wear and made me go nuts. You are sexy even in plain kurti. Why don't we go for holiday to celebrate this special occasion? I want to have you all for myself only. Mehak giggled as his nose tip going down at her neck as his stubbles tickles her. She cupped his face and gazed at him demurely. She pinched his cheeks gently and said Shaurya Khanna the great business tycoon becoming lazy these days. We just got back from Bangalore last month and now you want to go for another vacation then who will be doing all the work here, she asked in most caring manner. He rested his forehead on hers and said promise me no matter how busy it gets you will still spend time with me. She fleer hearing him complain like a child and peck his lip quickly and assured him my whole life and upcoming all my life is with you, now stop whining and let me continue my work. His grip on her waist was firm and he with a foxy tone asked today what is the occasion you are wearing this saree, you are distracting me do you know that? Mehak had felt euphoric as his rough hands caresses her waist and later moving to her back. Just then, Priya knocks at the door Shaurya asked who is it, Priya said it's her and he asked what is it, she replied Delhi Times news reporters are here to take interview with both of you sir, shall I asked them to wait there? Mehak replied we are coming there Priya please make them sit down and give some drinks and snacks. Priya thanked her and went off from there. Mehak looked at Shaurya and said okay lets go don't make people to wait for us, he helped her up to steady herself and adjusted her hair and her saree. She brush off his jacket and held his arm and proceeded for their interview.

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