Part 66

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Sonal came to Khanna Mansion both the best friend were equally excited as they meet up after such a long time. Sonal talked about her stay at Jaipur, about baby Mahi and how Mohit is doing well in his job. Later she asked Mehak about her Bangalore trip and how life is the past 4 months. Mehak narrated to her excitingly till the award won by White Chilies. She showed her the pictures taken during the award show and also her YouTube channel.

Awara came to serve them the snack and he told Mehak that Shaurya message her asking what is she doing, did she had her juice or not. Mehak shakes her head and said she will have the juice and not to mention that she cooked today, he nodded quickly and left them. Sonal asked what happen and why is he behaving like this and is she okay or not. Mehak told about she is being very tired and no appetite feeling sleepy these days. Now Shaurya is at Indonesia and from there he is making Awara and Vicky to monitor me, not letting her to go out and asking her to be at home and rest. So Awara is being the puppet of Shaurya following his instruction and making her to eat and drink all kind of food. Sonal observed at Mehak for a while and Mehak raised her eyebrow asking her why you are looking at me one kind. Sonal smiled at her mischievously and gentle shakes her head as she pop a snack in her mouth. She dust her hands off and said if my observation is correct, this must be that. Mehak being the innocent deer didn't understand what is Sonal trying to say. She asked her to tell in simple way, Sonal started you have gone a bit golu molu this time, skin complexion is good too, not eating properly and feeling tired sleepy from all these it shows that, Mehak asked it shows what Sonal quickly tell na. Sonal blurted out pregnant?

Mehak's eyes bulged out hearing the word pregnant. She didn't utter anything for a minute but Sonal snapped at her and asked her am I right? Are you pregnant? Mehak was confused she don't know what is the feeling of being pregnant, in fact she start to think when was her last period. Sonal asked her, is your tummy feeling unusual? Mehak quickly replied yes I feel like one kind like we eat gola too much, the high sugar effect is that kind. Sonal knocked her head gently and said don't think about food tell me what do you feel. Mehak pouted at her and said I don't know yaar, I feeling bloated these few days and no appetite, I did made the kada for gassiness and had it in between. Sonal taunted her why is she look worrying if she is pregnant then she will be pregnant with her husband's child but why she look uneasy. Mehak told her that they always practiced safe intercourse and they didn't want a child so soon. Mehak asked Sonal, how to confirm whtr I am pregnant or not, Sonal suggested to get the pregnancy test kit and test it the next morning. After some time Sonal left from Khanna Mansion and Mehak warned her not to blurt out to anyone at Sharma's for time being.

The next morning while having breakfast, Mehak asked Vicky to drop her at the pharmacy. He insist that he will buy for her as Shaurya strictly told them not to allow her to go out anywhere. But Mehak manage to convince him it's a personal stuff and she needs to go and get it on her own. He took her to the pharmacy. Mehak went in and bought the pregnancy test kit, she shoved it inside her handbag and get into the car. Vicky dropped her back to Khanna mansion and he left to his work.

At her room Mehak was pacing high and low holding the new test kit. She was wondering how to test and how it will be. She read through the instruction when her mobile rings, she saw and it was from Shaurya. She quickly hides the box away and pretend to be normal to answer him. He greeted her and asked about her wellbeing. He said in his husky voice he is missing her terribly. He can't sleep in the night as her Mehak was not there. She smiled blushing hearing him. He asked her does she sleep well and eat on time or not? Mehak giggled and said you already ruling Awara via telephone telling him to do this and that, and now he asking her the same too. She asked him when he is coming back as she already missing him. Shaurya replied her he will leave the next day evening but he is not coming to Delhi directly but he is going to Bangalore as there is some important work and he will come to Delhi after that. She was disappointed that he is not coming soon but even later than expected, he understand her silence and asked why what happen, what you are having for me he asked her coyly. She was annoyed that he doesn't seems to understand her feelings. He called her Mehak are you there? She hmmm at him, and later said okay I shall wait. He asked her to take care of herself and sent her a flying kiss, her cheeks warmed although he only kissed his mobile, the sound he made is loud enough to make her warm. He huskily asked I am waiting for mine, she stealthily said, if you want yours then come home or else you getting nothing for me, understand Mr Khanna? He chuckled hearing her undaunted reply. He smirked and said wait for me Mrs Khanna, you will going to love me even more after this. His sentence caused her smiled widely stirring up bubbles in her tummy. She said bye to him and hangs up.

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