Part 23

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Early morning it was preparations for mehndi function. Sheetal aunty sitting with a bunch of old aunties telling them the story of Shaurya and Mehak. How he will do things to get in his way. From ISC swimming pool to how he beat up people if anyone harasses Mehak. Mehak with Nehal pass by them and chuckled. Shaurya from far throwing flowers at her so she will pay attention to him. She smirked at him and busy with others. He didn't like to be ignored so he decided he will do something. She was wearing nice green and orange salwar kameez.

He gets Mohit and tell him his plan. Mohit said how if they get caught. Shaurya hold his shoulders and said you helped to get letter and chocolate for your di and that doesn't matter but your jiju asking you to help and you are not willing to help me. Mohit felt bad and agreed. They thought how to get in and Mohit said we use the same old method, Shaurya asked how. All ladies sat together, music playing at the background and from young ones to elder ones all are getting mehndi on their palm. Mehak came with some snacks and Harpreet mausi ask her to stop working and get mehndi for her too. Mehak saw all are busy just then 2 people with burkha came covering their face. They introduce themselves as mehndi artist and came to apply mehndi. Mehak heard and bring them in, she sat with them and rest her face on her knees and offered her hand to draw mehndi. She ask them to draw a nice design. The 2 burkha person was none other than Shaurya and Mohit. Mohit earlier suggested to do the same thing like they did to kidnap Sonal on her mehndi. So now they want to do the same too but this time to take Mehak. Naughty Shaurya draws a pattern on her feet, Mehak felt uncomfortable and pull her feet towards her. Then Shaurya rubbing her hands and palm he was saying your skin so soft like baby. She saw the fingers are long like male ones and she got suspicious, she try to pull her hands away from them and asked them who are they , they realized she got suspicious , Mohit quickly took a cloth dipped in chloroform and pressed to her nose , she fainted immediately. Shaurya and Mohit give high 5 and cover her with a spare burkha they bring with them and Shaurya carried her on his shoulder. Mohit suggested to go to the rice field, there is a hut nearby there no one will come. He lifted her and went there.

Mohit guarded outside while Shaurya put Mehak on the small bed found in the hut. He caressed her cheeks gently and she gain consciousness. She opens her eyes slowly and her head still spinning, Shaurya gives her water she takes a few sip. She find it odd suddenly in a hut, she asked where this place is? Shaurya smirked at her and said it's not the house, I took you with me. Mehak looked at him confusingly. He said I missed my wife so much so I took her with me so I can spend some time alone. Mehak gets annoyed she start to hit him on his chest, why you always do something stupid. Now everyone at house will be looking for me. She gets up to leave but Shaurya pulls her to his lap and hugged her tightly. What baby I took risk and bring you here thought you will give me kisses as reward but you want to go back. Mehak questioned him you took me without knowledge isn't this wrong? He tucked her hair behind her ears, you are my wife I will take her with me in front of people or without people's knowledge, who can stop me? Mehak curled her lips. Shaurya took her palm to his lips and gently kissed it and place it on his cheeks. Mehak slowly melted. He lower his face to her neck and inhaled scent of her hair. She closed her eyes and she had goose bumps all over her body with his one just action. He continue to nuzzle her and kissed on her shoulder to her back. His fingers draw some patterns on her back. He whispered to her he missed her a lot. Mehak came to her senses and pushed him away, all these are not right here, not now. Shaurya asked then when, she narrowed her eyes and said when we go home. He gets excited and asked like a child to promise. She cling her arms around his neck and kissed him on his bearded cheek. He smiled broadly and ask for more, she give one on his nose. Just then Mohit from outside give them sound asking jiju quick we are getting late. Mehak give more on his forehead. He kissed her on her forehead and came holding her hand. Mehak saw Mohit outside and she blushed. Mohit walked in front Shaurya and Mehak walk at the back holding their hands. Mehak whispered to Shaurya you don't have any shame you doing like this when my brother are around. He pulled her closer and say you think your brother is so small don't know anything is it, he is going to be father soon. She smacked on his biceps, now what am I going to tell them at home, just tell them you went out walking with your hubby. She rolled her eyes.

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