Part 38

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In few weeks Mehak recovers very fast, the splinters removed and she is able to move her limbs as usual with the help of the physiotherapy. She was able to do things on her own and slowly and doesn't require anyone's help as well. She was able to move around and back to herself chirpy fun and loving girl. Jaggu will comes in once in a while and both will joke around and became good friends. One evening Mehak and him was at their terrace snacking something, Mehak asked did you talk to Pooja. He shakes his head and said NO. Very busy no time yaar. She took out his mobile and ask him to call and put in speaker he asked her why now, she asked him why not now, call now. He said yaar if I said I am at Delhi for training and she will ask why you didn't come to Mumbai, Indian Army Headquarters is in Delhi not in Mumbai so I am here for training she won't even understand this small matter .

Mehak rolled her eyes at him asking him to call now. He hesitantly took the mobile and called Pooja and put the mobile on speaker. It rings few times and both waited anxiously just then the other side answered. Mehak signed him to talk, he was reluctant and doesn't want to say anything sooner he said hello Pooja. Pooja on the other side, Jaggu how are you? How is everything, are you very busy? Mehak talks in sign language and ask him to ask how is she, how is college etc. After few minutes of formal talk exchange, Mehak ask him to ask shall we meet, I can come to Mumbai on the weekend. Jaggu keep shaking his head NO to Mehak but she made him to say that, she asked quickly when? He looked at Mehak, she said Saturday morning and he said that. Both hangs up the call and he turn to look at Mehak yaar what did you made me to do now, you mean now I need to go to Mumbai? Mehak nodded and took the snack packet from his hand and said, Saturday you are off anyway instead of roaming here go and visit her and patch up with her. Go in morning and come back in night by flight. Jaggu shakes his head and said to her, you have gone nuts Mehak. Come here closer let me check maybe due to accident you are losing your sanity. Giving all crazy ideas anyway thanks yaar because for you I will go to Mumbai and see her.

Mehak continues go there talk nicely to her and explain about your work and etc. I am sure she will understand. Jaggu smiles and ask her so now what you expect Shaurya to do so you will forgive him and go back with him. She didn't answer him and ignored. He ask her to answer. She looked at him and said I am sure he is cooking something behind in his mind he never stay quiet, If these few weeks he didn't come here then definitely something big is coming up I can sense it. Jaggu asked Sachi hai, she responded jhaki hai. Both laughing and sat munching the snacks. Kanta chachi with Nehal was standing with their mobile in hand with Shaurya on call listening to this and laughing silently.

At night while Mehak sleeping, Shaurya came in to see her. He was caressing her finger gently not to wake her up. But suddenly Mehak felt something uneasy and tries to open her eyes. He saw her getting up and quickly hide himself from her. She gets up and looks around in surprise as she just now felt someone was there and now is gone. She wonders and talks to herself don't tell me ghost is coming to see me now. She gets up slowly and goes to washroom she washed her face and look herself at mirror , Shaurya being the naughty hubby stand behind her and as she open her eyes she saw her reflection and Shaurya's too, she jumped in shocked and turned behind to see but he quickly hides. She came out from the bathroom and checks around and Nehal came in asking why are you talking to yourself and walking didi. Mehak replied I saw Shaurya just now. She retorted, SJ what is he going to do here at this hour, look at the time its 2am. You must be dreaming di, Mehak said I cannot be dreaming I felt like someone staring at me I woke up and wash my face and saw him smiling at me I turned and he is gone. Nehal ask her to be quite and sleep, then Mehak said yaar I can smell his cologne too, this is Shaurya's favorite cologne. He definitely been here. Nehal sniff her nose around and said nothing I can't smell anything. Di I think you are missing SJ so much that's why your senses and your brain even in sleep you are feeling about him, now be quiet and go and sleep don't disturb me, she companied her to the bed and ask her to lie down and cover her with blanket. Then she leave the room. Shaurya and Kanta chachi waiting for her and all giggled silently. Kanta chachi pulls his ears and said you love to disturb my child don't you? No wonder she is still upset with you. Shaurya replied chachi if she is angry then why she can recognize my cologne and perfume all, she loves me chachi that's why even my scent is in her mind all the time. Suddenly they hear Daduji coughing sound and they ask Shaurya to leave or else someone will see him, he leave the house sneakingly.

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