Part 55

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Next morning Mehak was hugging Shaurya and sleeping on his chest. Her alarm rings and she didn't move an inch. Shaurya was annoyed with the alarm sound and he slowly opens his eyes. He moved a bit to her side not disturbing her and turn off the alarm. He looked at her she was like a baby hugging his chest and slept soundly. He pushed her hair strand falling on her face and tuck it behind her ears she moved closer to him more, he hugged her more tightly. A vibration sound heard and he turn to his bedside table took his mobile it was his meeting reminder for the day. He dismissed the notification and slowly adjust her to a pillow and kissed her hair before covered the duvet properly as he went to shower.

As he comes from the shower looking at the dresser in his towel Mehak was still in deep slumber. He wonders what happen as in usual days she will be up early and this is not normal. He wore his pants and walk to the bed and sat next to her as he caressed her silky hair. He bend to kiss her forehead. She turn to other side and hugged her pillow. Mehak he called her softly, she hmm, what happened you are not waking up I am getting ready for office baby. She took his hand enveloped around her and saying in her raspy voice, my whole body aching Shaurya I feel so tired can't move at all. Feel like want to stay in the bed the whole day. He slides under the duvet to comfort her she turn to his chest and hugged him tightly. Shaurya you smell so good stay with me, he chuckled seeing her and said wish I can stay like this too but today I have a meeting with event sponsors so I have to go for this baby. You are feeling like this after trying yoga for the first time yesterday. You never been an active person so when you suddenly do some physical activity your body is having some changes and you are feeling uneasy. Sleep and take rest I will finish my meeting and come home soon okay he pacified her. He kissed her cheek and made her to sleep well, he reluctantly gets up from the bed and wears his shirt and vest. He wore his watch and before he leave the room he went to peck her forehead and said I love you jaan, Mehak smiled and said love you patidev. He smiled as he leaves the room. He close the room door and walks to the hall and opens the balcony sliding glass door and drink a cup of water before leaving the house.

Around 10am Mehak slowly opens her eyes and saw the time is 10am as she rubs her eyes she pushed the duvet and stretched herself. She heads to bathroom and showered dressed in long skirt with sleeveless tops. She secured her hair with clip at the center and made herself breakfast. She messaged Shaurya good morning patidev. He saw the message and quickly replied awake? Before she reply he replied in meeting call you later. She sent him pouty emoji and was busy with house chores. As she slowly finish all the chores she prepares for lunch. Her doorbell rings and she quickly went to get it. She opens the door and saw Neev was standing smiling with a container and balloons. She ask him to come in and ask what is he doing, He show her a container and opens it for her. It had some snack and said mommy made this I bring this over here so we can eat together. She pulled his cheeks and said you are so cute Neev you bring for me snacks how caring you are. You wait for me here and she made him to sit on the hall and switch ON the TV. He watched his favorite cartoon as Mehak went to complete her lunch preparations. Later she joins him to watch cartoon and enjoyed good laughter together as they enjoyed the snacks he brought over. After a while both started to play and the balloon he bought stuck on the ceiling along with ceiling light. Mehak pulled a chair and climbed on it to detangle the balloon from the ceiling light. As she was struggling to detangle the balloon, Shaurya return home and he notice the door was not locked and he push open the door. He takes off his shoes slowly and saw Mehak standing on the chair to detangle the balloons. Neev saw him and Shaurya silently place his finger on his lips to remain quiet. Mehak was mumbling Neev this balloon is stuck badly on this. I am scared your balloon will burst. Shaurya saw her as she lifts her arms up her top moved up exposing her belly. His naughtily blow some air on her belly and as a reflex she pulled her tummy in and pulled her skirt up to cover her belly. She manage to tangle the balloon and takes a deep breath and said Neev I manage to save your balloon here you go Shaurya this time kissed her belly which tickled her and she loss balance screaming Matarani and was about to fall Shaurya catches her. Mehak opens her eyes and saw herself held by Shaurya she asked him when did you came. He knocks her with his forehead and said when you were struggling to remove the balloon from the ceiling I was already here. She tapped his chest and said instead of helping me you made me scared. Neev cleared his throat and said didi I am still here don't forget me you saw your handsome husband and now forgot me. Mehak shuts her eyes as she felt shy and ask Shaurya to put her down but he carried her to the sofa and place her there as he sat next to her. Neev came to them Mehak pulled his cheeks. You are such a cutie. Neev quickly said didi I go home now mamma will be waiting for me I need to lunch and go for tuition, he takes leave from them he hop as he close the door leaving them alone. Mehak looked at Shaurya how your meeting, he unbuttoned his vest and said meeting was good usual business. Everything finalized from the commercial ads in between the shows and the posters and brand informations all clearly discussed with partners and sponsors. Waiting for legal team to put them all in the papers and we will signed them officially. Mehak eagerly asked how about the candidates. Yes that's another process it's taking a long process to screen through and pick the right one. Total we received thousands of applications and the team choosing 50 from there I will chose 20. Okay leave this aside, tell me how you are feeling he asked. Mehak leaned more into him and pull his hand which was enveloped her shoulder into hugging position, don't ask patidev never I felt so pain like this my knees to shoulders all are aching after having hot water shower is slightly better. I wonder how everyone doing this every day without complaining. He tapped her head it's not like that when you are not use to this new activity your body's reaction will be different. When I started gym few years back I had muscle sore now I am used to weight lifting and boxing. Since came to Bangalore I am lifting this weight so I am used to it he lifted Mehak and put her on his lap. I think you have put on little but weight, did you check he teased her. She pulled his lower lip and ask so you don't like me anymore. He holds her waist tightly pulling her closer to him shall I show you how much I like you, Mehak's tummy twisted with his sexy tone. She pushed him and looked don't be so cheesy, go and change your clothes let me serve you lunch, she gets up from his lap he pulled her hand to stop her. She turned to look at him and ask him to go and change I am hungry. He smiled and went to change as she goes to kitchen prepare the lunch. After they done lunch Mehak asked him to help some edits and both sat together and did the work together. Mehak email the final work to Priya and Shaurya busy with his business proposal. Once he completes them he went to the gym for his workout session.

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