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"My momma always said girl you're trouble, and now I want it could you fall for a woman like me"
Woman Like Me- Little Mix ft Nicki Minaj


I open my eyes and smile at my sunlit room. I relish in it's warmth and decide not to get up from bed yet, until I glance at the clock and realize I am recording a new song with the girls today. We have been working on the song together for weeks. I quickly get up from bed and set about my regular morning routine (minus the exercise because I have to be at the studio by nine and working hard is already an exercise, right?). I treat myself to a tasty, but healthy breakfast and leave the house with my bag and water bottle.

I'm not surprised when I meet Jade already waiting for the rest of us. She's talking to our friend, Stanley.

'Good thing you came Leigh-Anne, Jade was just giving me a lecture on punctuality,' he says, making me laugh. That is so Jade. 'You can listen to the rest of it, I'll be right back,' he says and leaves.

Way to go Stanley.

'You're early today,' Jade says to me and I internally roll my eyes so she wouldn't see me do it. Jade is always on or before time and it pains me that I can't beat her punctuality. It's not that I'm a latecomer, she just always manages to be earlier than me.

Perrie is so unpredictable, somedays she would be early and others she would be late. And Jesy is the tardiest of us all, she doesn't care about being punctual because she's, well, Jesy. I wouldn't even be surprised if she comes in here by noon. I place my bag and water bottle next to each other on a table and sit down.

'I'm never tardy,' I say. I look at the clock and see that it's just ten minutes to nine. Hmm, Jade must have been here awhile.

Perrie soon hops into the room and smiles at us heartily. 'Sorry I'm late,' she apologizes. 'I ran into some fans on the way.'

'You're not late,' I tell her and gesture towards the clock, her face brightens as she sees that she's a few minutes early.

Surprisingly, Jesy comes in shortly after and slumps in a chair. 'Who missed me?' She asks and we all laugh.

'Look at you guys, being punctual on a Thursday morning,' Jade proudly states, making Jesy laugh and I couldn't help but notice she had such a nice laugh.

While we wait for Stanley, we start chatting. Everyone is staring at us and I don't know if they are staring because we are famous or because we are giggling like high schoolers, not that I care anyway.

Stanley soon comes back and is surprised to see Jesy. 'Wow Jesy, way to wake up at the first ring of the alarm clock today,' he jokes but nobody laughs. 'Would you ladies like something to drink?' He asks us.

'Root beer please,' I say.
'Ice tea please,' Jade says.
'Coffee please,' Jesy says.
'Chocolate ice cream please,' Perrie says and we all look at her with raised eyebrows. And that is one thing I love about Perrie; she doesn't give two damns about eating right but still manages to look in great shape.

Stanley soon comes back and I eagerly take my root beer from him. I always thought it was weird but I have this talent of opening bottles with my teeth, I call it talent because not many people can do it. Perrie tried to do it once and she screamed so hard we had to take her to the dentist.

Just as I am about to drink my root beer, my phone rings and I freeze as I see the name and picture on the screen.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ok guys, how was the first chapter, did you like it? I hope you did and please let me know what you think, your opinion matters to me.


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