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"Dancing with danger, talking with strangers. Don't care where I go, just can't be alone"
No More Sad Songs- Little Mix ft Machine Gun Kelly


What the hell. My living room is still the same way I left it- in shambles, except that now it also reeks of alcohol.

Oh my god.

Where in the world are my sisters, and most importantly, why have they not cleaned up my house? I hear a groan coming from the kitchen and I run to the kitchen only to see it in an even worse state than my living room.

What is going on?

I hear the groan again coming from behind my kitchen counter and when I look, Mary-Anne is sprawled out on the floor with a bottle of beer in her hand and several empty bottles of beer around her. Where did she get them from, I don't even drink beer.

'Mae? Mae?' I kneel by her side and rock her a little.

She stirs and looks up at me. 'Leigh, you're back. How was your date? Did he propose to you?'

'No, he did not.' I stand. 'Get up,' I command and she quickly gets to her feet but nearly falls and I catch her just in time. 'Careful!'

'Oops, I'm sooo clumsy,' She drawls and giggles then steadies herself on her feet. She's clearly drunk, but I must get answers to my questions now.

'Why is my house still in this state and where is Bonnie?' I put my hands on my waist and glare at her, my anger visible in my gestures.

'We were just about to clean up the house when Bonnie got a call from Shawn, she said she would be back soon and left. She left me alone to do all the work and I didn't wanna do it alone so I decided to party.'

'Party?! I didn't say you could throw a party in my house!'

'I know, and that's why I partied alone. I'm sorry but I think I broke a few things,' She says and hiccups.

'Do you know where Bonnie went to meet Shawn?'

'Nope and I don't care. I just want more of this--' She is about to take a drink of her beer but I snatch the bottle from her and throw it away. I take her upstairs, help her to change her clothes and tuck her in bed.

'You know what Leigh, you're such an amazing person with a caring heart. I'm so lucky I have you as my sister. I love you.' I hear her mutter before she finally falls asleep.

I sigh very loudly before going to change and heading back downstairs to start my "clean up". This is gonna be a long night.


I can't stop thinking about her and her presence and scent linger even after she has gotten out of my car. I can't stop smiling at myself for being so lucky to have a woman like Leigh-Anne in my life. As soon as I enter my house I am greeted by my butler, Ned Shepherd.

Ned has been my butler for a decade now and we have become even closer than a master and his butler should be, more like family. He takes very good care of me even when I'm being carefree about my health, makes sure I eat very well and stops me from overworking myself. Sometimes he acts like an older brother and not a butler especially when he is giving me advice.

'How did it go man?' Shane's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. My brothers showed up at my house this morning just to help me get ready for my date this evening (more like Shane showed up at my house this morning to help me get ready for my date this evening and dragged Shawn along with him). They were so excited because I've never been on a date before. I have never been captivated by any girl like I have been with Leigh-Anne, the moment I saw her I knew she was the woman for me, my better half, the mother of my children. I had to make my move so I don't lose her and she is an open book so I can tell that she likes me too.

'It went very well.' I smiled.

'Great, let's have a drink to that.'

'Maybe not tonight, I've already had enough to drink.'

'You can never have enough to drink.'

'Yes, you can.' I was not going to let him get me drunk.

'Whatever you say man. You'll give me all the details tomorrow, I can see you want to get some shut-eye.'

'Sure, good night. Where is Shawn?'

'Uh, he went out with his girlfriend a while ago.' I sigh and go up to my room, take a quick bath and go to bed.

* * *

As I go downstairs for breakfast, the smell of fresh pancakes and syrup fills my nose. Smells so delicious. Shawn is already at the table eating and grins when he sees me.

'Morning Shel, didn't expect you to be up this early since it's your day off.'

'I never have a day off, today is a public holiday,' I say and sit opposite him.

'I'll be going home this morning but I decided to have some of Ned's delicious pancakes before I do. You have quite a butler here, this syrup is the absolute best.' He licks his fork.

Ned comes out of the kitchen and is surprised to see me.

'Good morning Sheldon, I didn't know you were up already. I'll go make you your coffee and some fresh pancakes.'

'Thank you Ned,' I say as he goes back into the kitchen.

'By the way, how did your date go?' Shawn asks me.

'Very well.' I smile.

'Great, so did mine.'

'With Bonnie-Anne?'


'I'm glad you've finally found a girl you genuinely love and that you're serious with the relationship.'

'Who says I genuinely love her?' He asks, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

'What do you mean?' I ask back.

'I mean that I don't love her.'

'What do you mean you don't love her?'

'I don't love her, what part exactly do you not understand?'


He laughs then takes a bite of his pancake. 'Why are you so worried about her, it's not like you know her.'

'It doesn't matter if I know her or not. I thought that you had changed, I was happy because I thought you actually loved this girl and once again you prove me wrong.'

'Listen bro, you refused to give me money, you asked me to get a job and become responsible because I was too lazy, and now that I've found a means of getting money, you're not happy with it?'

'So you're just playing her for her money?'

'If you want to put it that way,' Shawn says and stands up.

'Where are you going?' I ask as he heads for the door.

'Out of here,' He says and bangs the door.

Damn, Bonnie-Anne is going to suffer a very big heartbreak in the end. I need to tell Leigh-Anne about this, she's the only way I can warn Bonnie-Anne.

Ned brings my coffee and pancakes on a tray and serves me.

'Thank you.' I have already lost my appetite but I have to eat a little because I know Ned took his time to make it for me. Just as I was eating, my phone rang and my heart leaped with excitement when I saw the caller.



Thank you for taking your time to read till the end, I love you!😘

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